The WELLGlossary #27
Wellpreneur as in wellness entrepreneur, member of the ‘wellness class’. Is that a thing? Apparently yes, and not altogether a new one!
Wellness as a business field has been offering entrepreneurial opportunities for quite some time. Long line of therapists, trainers, gurus, mentors, coaches, etc. have been working as a one-person enterprise. People interested in pursuing a career and build a business on wellness can take even a specialist course (by WELLPRENEUR or Faster Capital). Apart from the business opportunity what wellness as a business field may offer there are major social and economic shifts that support these developments.
One might find the current discourse about wellness economy similar to what once the discussion about the experience economy and the creative class started back in 1998. The creative economy concept provided a new platform to small businesses and entrepreneurs. Artists, designers, innovative thinkers, etc. were brought together under the creative class umbrella. As one of the results governments started to take notice of the importance of this creative class. Higher educational institutions launched creative economy courses. City administrations set up whole departments aiming at creative economy.
As an analogy it is not impossible to suggest that we observe the emergence of the wellness class! There are three major movements that have been contributing to the wellpreneur phenomenon:
1.?????? Gig economy: When one person (or entrepreneur) offers his/her services to customers on an occasional basis, or only for a short period of time they are likely to be engaged in the gig economy. There are types of wellpreneurs who run their business as a gig, e.g. take on a few retreat sessions at different locations, but otherwise they have a different employment or business activity. Still, the gig economy has been widely criticised for its high level of unpredictability and uncertainty nature.
2.?????? Passion economy: Wellpreneurs working in the passion economy live from what they like doing, i.e. run train-the-trainer yoga courses, offer painting courses in their atelier studio. They create their own following and try to monetize this relationship.
3.?????? Transformation economy: The growing need of self-actualization offer new business opportunities for wellpreneurs. Customers being more aware of what they actually need and getting personally involved in making changes to their lives open new ways and areas for business development. The digitalized world makes the connection between the wellpreneur, e.g. a lifestyle coach and the customers direct and convenient.
Some wellpreneurs become famous (e.g. the Kilted Yoga guys). Many do not look for fame, they want to live on what they like doing themselves. And we should be grateful for that enthusiasm!
Want to expand your horizon about anything and everything about things that are 'well'??We are spilling the beans. Collected and narrated all the 52+ 'well' words and expressions you need to know of! More here:
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