#WellbeingPhilosophy > Free Thinking is Priceless
Deb {Zenzi} Helfrich
"Free Thinking is Priceless. Life-Centric Thinking is Abundance Incarnate" ~the trojan GIRAFFE of whiteness~ Seeking Angel Investor> 1-Woman-Improv > HOW TO DEMOLISH RACISM BY 2030 #AutisticAF +Acquired Prodigious Savant
#WellbeingPhilosophy is a comprehensive TOE > Theory of Everything that is based on a Unifying Theory of Human Energy, Potential and Wellbeing ~ Body, Mind and Soul Integrated Thinking > creating a new paradigm of Life-Centric Thinking that is underpinned by the Philosophical Hypothesis of Bio-electricity, which I developed over decades of independent inquiry, research, and rare lived experiences based on the emerging sciences of Embodied Cognition and Epigenetics.
Bio-electricity is the missing link to our conception of what being human entails.
However, the evidence is all around us that we are living in a world that does not value human life, nor any other form of life, unless it can be harnessed - double entendre intentional - to put 7 or more zeros in the bank accounts of the elite.
You see, we live within a faulty, flawed and fraudulent civilization because of the heinous consequences of the western/whiteness model of life on Earth, which ran rampant with genocide during the colonization/industrialization/hyper-digitalization period that started in the mid-1400s, became established as entirely dominant in the early 1900s via World Wars and reached a tipping point of hegemony in the 1980s as Technology enabled the 'Masters of Scale' to create inordinate wealth for those already possessing vast reserves of cash.
The thing is, we can alter everything about human civilization, with the ease of technology. But we have to alter our false allegiances to generations of long dead white men, that we were taught to espouse via white-washing, who were truly evil in their disregard for the natural world and humans who did not look precisely like they did.
In 2021, we have all the data we need to become free from the horrific mistakes that enslavement to a worldview of separatism & hierarchy wrought upon not just our species, but the future of all life on Earth.
This period of entrepreneurial 'god-ness' is the fall of the roman empire type of warning sign. Absolutely no place exists, anymore, to fund someone like a wise-feminine philosopher thinking about human-ness at the foundational level. It is crucial work > updating civilizational paradigms to include the majesty and centrality of consciousness in all the great works of humankind that have been produced, alongside many billions of shady deals bringing glory to men who had only their own needs at heart.
As the contemporary sage, MC Hammer, tweeted > "When you are measuring, include the measurer."
Therefore, where we have to start, if we have any chance of succeeding in creating a fully equitable civilization for all 7.8 billion humans across every nook and cranny of Earth, is in getting a correct definition of what consciousness is and how it functions.
Consciousness = Life Force
The physicists understand the world via Four Forces > Gravity, Electromagnetism, the Weak Nuclear force and the Strong Nuclear force. Hmmmm....
What powers Life?
Have the physicists forgotten to solve for themselves? Of course they have, as they seem to not understand that the Observer Effect is primarily a "Tools that Exist So Far Effect" It is not that waves become particles because we look, it is that we use tools that collect data with a temporal fixity that freezes/collapses electromagnetic waves at the time that we observe it. While we have some fancy tools, it is their limitations that produce the observer effect and our bias that, despite Zeno's paradox, we can learn how life and the world works by descending into the minutia. This indeed often solves how stuff works, as stuff has no agency, no freedom, no ability to reproduce. But life requires Hickam's Dictum.
Let me posit a truly evolutionary theory that is Occam's razor, incarnate.
The Fifth Force ~ Consciousness ~ Life Force
And to be perfectly clear, humans are only one of the creatures, one of the entities, of Life.
All Life - carbon-based life forms - have consciousness > life force.
And in just a handful of sentences, I have sorted the Hard Problem of Consciousness into an Easy Pivot.
Which is the start to reversing the excess Carbon in the atmosphere that is causing planetary havoc to all living ecosystems. We must see Carbon's primary importance as the molecule of life, of consciousness, and immediately focus on restoring the Carbon cycle to it's natural biosphere roles, by reversing the rampant industrialization that pollutes all air on Earth.
And to be diamond clear - another type of Carbon - excess Carbon is not just in the atmosphere, leagues away from the air you breathe.
Excess Carbon in our near-in atmosphere is a tremendous contributor to the ever-escalating burden of chronic disease and enviro-Mental conditions, especially the suite of Neurodivergent capacities.
We commonly talk about the disruption to our body and our attention when we are hungry and thirsty. However, since humans have mostly atrophied our sense of smell, we have far less conscious awareness of the effect of toxic smells, and when it comes to the odorless toxicity of carbon monoxide, we call people crazy, even though they are reliably reacting to the rampant pollution of our air supply. Those with neurodivergent capacities are demonstrating the effects of the immensity of our environmenal toxicity on a human unable to deny the truth of their subconscious reactions. The flittering mind of ADHD, the over-reactions and concomitant singular mindedness of Autism, or the living zombieness of depression...
While certainly there are biochemical problems that we can discover using our bio-chemistry-is-everything model of human functioning; these problems are downstream of the central current that bio-electricity plays in the LIFE of all organisms, from a single-celled ameoba through fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals to the pinnacle of evolution, so far as we know, us > homo sapiens sapiens
#WellbeingPhilosophy ~ putting the focus on the second sapiens, our knowing about ourselves, since 2020.
As a staunch anti-racist with decades of receipts, it hurts that I have to state why the A, the primary objective of #WellbeingPhilosophy is Anti-racism, but as I live and think on Earth in the US of Hypocrisy, I know I must state this clearly.
Until we stop getting skin twisted, we will be unable to solve any of the seemingly intractable problems of human civilization, because when we live within a racialized framework focusing on what separates us, we cannot unite as a global collective to DO THE RIGHT THING, which is to employ Life-Centric Thinking as our daily modus operandi.
The singular most important paradigm shift that reverses our current race to self-extincting our own species, is to demolish racism, by reversing all laws, practices, and preferences that became the heinous norm via the western-whiteness hegemony.
We must criminalize all behaviors of white supremacy and face the vast planetary harm done via the delusion of white superiority - the extremely pervasive, yet faulty, flawed and fraudulent belief that whiteness is rightness.
In fact, whiteness is a manufactured concept, like most of its loyal lieges, especially plantation-capitalism, privilege-democracy > to name them as I see them. Both are just ways for the white elite to enslave the masses so that true freedom is beyond the purview of any human.
Precisely what did those weak, rigid, fragile men fear? Why did they presume that free humans had to be tamed? It was because they were so broken, themselves, by early childhood trauma, that their urges became uncontrollable and destructive.
Evil is not a force in the world. Evil is a characteristic of the deeds of a human. And if a human is traumatized or neglected during their early years, they are a grenade, waiting to explode when environmental conditions trigger their feelings of inadequacy.
#WellbeingPhilosophy is not a proprietary system for only those who can afford expensive life coaches, it is a way of thinking about being human that espouses the truth that when all humans are truly free, with equitable access to resources; we will have created nirvana on Earth.
Human civilization should be a framework of systems that enable every human born, across all nooks and crannies of Earth, to live lives of freedom, being exactly who they are.
I demand a Life-Centric Civilization. One where no human is enslaved to the concept of economics. Or forced to labor for the essentials of continued life. Or coerced to participate in self-harm in order for some other human to reap selfish benefits.
After establishing that all humans are priceless beings, and as we work as a collective to build a civilizational framework that enshrines the worth of all humans in a fully equitable set of principles of governance, exchange, and free living; we turn to the B of #WellbeingPhilosophy
B = Bio-electricity - the key to understanding that Life is about movement. Vibrations. Frequency. The completion of zillions of circuits of life functioning that produce the harmony of a human being.
Life force ~ consciousness ~ bio-electricity i.e. electromagnetism flowing through organic cells.
We can reverse chronic non-optimal conditions of the body, mind and soul by employing frequency in a therapeutic manner. In fact, bio-electricity is the fountain of youth. Most of our contemporary 'diseases' are disruptions in the harmony of the functioning of our bio-electricity circuits.
Faults in the flowing of our consciousness. Which are limitations to our wellbeing and potential.
We start with making Life-Centric decisions about the collective and our civilizational framework, then we fix our own personal faults and flaws, which ultimately leads to a state where all individuals are pursuing their own greatest good, enmeshed within a civilizational framework that unites us all as priceless souls.
The heuristics of Life-Centric Thinking enable every human to think beyond faulty paradigms in a single bound of complex reasoning. They are:
The Math of Life
Evolutionary Logic
The Environment is Everything
In sum, it is time for this wise, feminine Philosopher to reunite the Cartesian Split, uniting body and mind, while also ensuring the bleeding-edge Neuroscience is mindful of the requirement to include the soul in its hypotheses about how the brain functions.
I embody, therefore I am
Reach out to schedule a speech, embodied workshop, or to purchase #NFTart fomenting an evolution in consciousness > debhelfrich.squarespace.com