Wellbeing Wednesdays : Leaders are never helpless , Leaders always ask for help

Wellbeing Wednesdays : Leaders are never helpless , Leaders always ask for help

Leaders are never helpless , Leaders always ask for help

Wellbeing Wednesdays

 Hi everyone , we are back with the fifth article in the series

 This article is about a boy called Cheeku by his sister , this is about the boy 18 year old , who went on and scored 90 runs and saved his team from a follow on , when the dead body of his father was lying at home . This story is about a boy , who is ranked amongst the ten best dressed men in the world , has married a Bollywood heart throb . He is the Indian player to score 1000 , 2000 , 5000 , 6000 and 10,000 runs fastest, he broke the record of the god of cricket Sachin. This boy is Virat Kohli.

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And this is the boy , who went through one of the roughest patches in 2014 in the England series , and in the weakest moment of his career , the black dog of depression engulfed him . He shared with Mark Nicholas in the podcast - "You just don't understand how to get over it. That was a phase when I literally couldn't do anything to overturn things...I felt like I was the loneliest guy in the world,"

 I know this feeling , I have lived it , for thrice in my career I experienced these bouts of anxiety and self doubt .

 Kohli shared that he felt alone inspite of having many people supporting him , he said he required professional help .

"Personally, for me that was a revelation that you could feel that lonely even though you a part of a big group. I won't say I didn't have people who I could speak to but not having a professional to speak to who could understand what I am going through completely, I think is a huge factor.

"I think I would like to see it change."

The most successful Indian captain feels that mental health issues  need proper attention and if ignored can destroy a person’s career .

"Someone whom you can go to at any stage, have a conversation around and say 'Listen this is what I am feeling, I am finding it hard to even go to sleep, I feel like I don't want to wake up in the morning. I have no confidence in myself, what do I do?' "Lot of people suffer with that feeling for longer periods of time, it carries on for months, it carries on for a whole cricket season, people are not able to get out of it," Kohli said.

In fact he reached out to Sachin Tendulkar for advise and support and came back with a bang in the next series in Australia

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So next time you see a high performer off colour , you yourself seem to be feeling helpless , reach out for leaders are never helpless and leaders always ask for help . Take time to listen , be compassionate . If you see someone struggling , look beyond there I am fine , sit beside them and be there without Fixing , Rescuing , Advising and Projecting .

To bring this work to your teams , organizations or personal coaching reach out to us @ [email protected] 

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Have a wonderful week ahead

Rahul Kapoor

CoFounder at ColorFlo PrinTech

3 年

So True. Elvina.


