Wellbeing Requires Personal Growth
Dominique Calcò Labbruzzo
Rechtsanw?ltin, Schiedsrichterin, HNW Beraterin ??Keynote ??Speaker ??Women-In-Law Awards 2024 ??ganzheitliches Recht ??20 Inspirierende Frauen 2024 NYCJ
When the light hits the shadow
There was something alluring and repelling in this guy, who I could not stand: The way he smiled, spoked and behaved. He invited me to play badminton, which I had not played since childhood. Before meeting him in the afternoon, I was aware that this would be for me not a simple date, but an occasion for my personal growth based on my method. I sensed an urge to look into the darkness of myself by accepting this invitation. Germans say “ Wie man in den Wald hineinruft, so schallt es wieder heraus”, meaning you are treated as you treat others. I will be like my clients. A student for this day.??
The Power Of The Mind
By the time I went to the court I had so much pent-up energy to realise, that I was convinced that thanks to my superpower, I was going to beat this superstar healer within two minutes. However, when we started, I was not making the best impression at all, even though I had the joker that I did not have any experience with it. Within me, I felt that I was not in balance, I was not in my body, I was thinking too much and since I realized that I kept on motivating myself: “Come on, Dominique, you are a master, you can do better than that with your body!”. As a result of that, I played very quickly in my head some mindfulness and embodiment tools to change my awful situation. With his - in my eyes - self-pleasing face, he kept playing without complaining. I suppose that my anger was eating me up inside, despite the lack of a burning sensation.?
Changing strategy by thinking that I was putting too much pressure on myself and that I had to lower my expectations, made me play even worse. I saw instantly that it is true what they say about negative thinking.?
The Awakening Of The Vital Energy
A first relief came when we stopped, since a woman yelled at us, that we had to change court. Therefore, he started building a net on the side, while I realized that the way this lady treated us was not very friendly. This is why I approached her and told her that it would be nice to play all together, even if there were five of us: one of us could have waited outside. She rejected it because I did not pay since I was invited. “Really? - I thought - in this third class gym?“ I went back to him and he told me his smile “Welcome to Gozo! You cannot change people, you can only change yourself!”. I undermined my wish to reply, because I felt once again that he was an alive part of myself: The speaking essence in the physical world.?
He kept on bastling on the net, when this lady screamed at him that there were not sufficient tools to set up a proper net. At that moment I exploded, since she has been so mean all the time not because of the money: “Look, I am on a date with this guy, it would be nice, if we could have had a nice time playing together, you must remember how it?was from your times!” Everybody in the court stopped playing and their mouths dropped. Oh yes, I wanted this lady to feel old, fat and ugly!?At that moment he admired my superstar body posture, temperament and way of speaking.?For the first time, I loved his face. I told him that I wanted to play, even though the net was not properly fixed.
Now, I was? feeling different, finally a fire, coming up from between my legs, through my spine, arm and hand, beated the shuttlecock with the energy I needed to become the better version of myself: I was now playing like never before! The game was getting more and more dynamic and I felt this magnetic attraction between me and him which kept me on going.?
This was the second relief: I was integrating my shadow and later I was thankful to this woman, thanks to whom I discover a new level of self-awareness in me.?
Love Is Honest
During our break his friend asked him to play with them, I rested a little bit and trained on my own, as he showed me. After a while I stopped, even if I wanted to continue. I sat there and watched him playing, when I realized that I was feeling like a ghost splashed on the floor.?I told him that I would wait outside. The people were astonished that I was leaving. Looking with big eyes, while I was going out. When I finally saw the light of the day, I realized that I had to go to the beach in order to restore my wellbeing.
While I was going away, I felt my remorse of conscience: I promised myself to not drop a man like a hot patato again and here I was again in my old behavior pattern. The best arguments of course came up in order to defend myself,? such as I love myself, I have to restore my wellbeing and he will understand. I texted him that I need to go to the sea. I thought he would understand since, when we were in Comino after a heavy discussion, I left him walking alone, because I needed to be by the sea.?
At home after taking a shower and while watching the sea, I realized though due to his replies to my messages about his plans for tonight that my behaviour needed more explanations, which I was actually unwilling to give since the majority of the people would not understand what was going on inside me. I suppose that writing the truth was the major wish for changing my destiny. Indeed, my effort was rewarded with an invitation for dinner.
Understanding Holistic Living
The next day, I understood what happened to me when I first played, while recalling what he told me during our break at the court:?many athletes, even famous ones, are not aware about their energy in their body, when they ask for his healing when they are injured.? I recalled that, when I entered the building, I did not feel well, because the court was underground. I suppose that in order to equilibrate the energy in my body, I needed that outrage reaction, which would switch on my power plant. This is why I could play better after feeling the energy moving inside me, whereas when I was having a break, the energy was still running out of me without my control: I was not not aware of the energy flow between my body and the environment in that moment, since I was focusing on winning.
I learnt that I still have to bear in mind to be more mindful about myself in challenging buildings, if I cannot avoid being inside. I am lucky that I have this deep sense of connection and understanding of my body and the environment around me, which allows me to teach what it means holistic leaving for the wellbeing of my clients.
If you wish to book a personal development program with holistic wellbeing in order to become your happiest version, feel free to contact me 00 41 78 876 82 43 for a discovery call.