Wellbeing is the highest priority job for each government right now.
Apply for COVID Jobs and bring in alternative approaches to Wellbeing! Choose governments open to ideas and feedback.

Wellbeing is the highest priority job for each government right now.


 This is a message from the Government of New Zealand.


Are you excited about health & wellbeing? 


Have you done at least 1 yoga, meditation or mindset course?

Do you understand how the mind and body function?

Do you know the mindset required for dis-ease prevention?


Does working in a job that supports isolation feels like the other side of your value system? 


  • If you are like me you have done your research
  • You've seen countries with fewer restrictions have fewer COVID cases.
  • If you're like me you've studied this virus and other viruses in-depth and understand how energy affects health.
  • If you're like me you are disgusted by the ineffectiveness of the 4-step WHO approach
  • If you're like me you feel shocked by the continuous media slogans of "put on a mask or kill or get killed" and forced vaccination.


"Employees rely on company leaders for reassurance in these times. They trust their employer more than governments and media."  


The internet is not a free market. It's not really censoring, it's businesses (Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube) that we fund with monthly licenses and blindly trust with our communications.

Each of them deletes comments that don't support their shareholders' goals (LinkedIn is owned by bill gates). I get that. I'd do the same. I use LinkedIn and it helps me create a business so I should respect it's founders' visions or use another platform. Respectful business creation. 


So online networks serve me well for connections and meeting new people.

Real in-depth change in wellbeing won't happen here. It happens IN policymaking.


Now as long as we all keep sharing online nobody will be heard.



Where can change come from when a whole world is forced to follow the rules of 1 world health agency?

Supported by businesses where we communicate through online?


Time for a NEW approach. Are you with me?


Note: I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to send these open emails to you. For now I think we're safe here. This platform - Sendinblue - is owned by Amand Thiberge from Paris. 


Moov-IT has build our own communication platform years ago. Have a look here:



If you want to keep receiving my uncensored opinions, email me YES to receive the link to our private non-censored platform on health and wellbeing ;-).


Now. Get EDUCATED as much as you can and apply for government and corporate wellbeing jobs.


Are you ready to be a leader in wellbeing?

Consider jobs you feel resistance from!


Watch our case study (https://corporatewellness.moov-it.eu) and learn how we brought wellbeing into organisations and had results of dis-ease prevention in just 3 months.


A dreamjob. In your values. Every day you feel fulfilled.


We provide you with the right approach to bring organizational change and buy-in.


Science is making new decisions based on new facts and data;

YOU can be the person, the wellbeing researcher or high paid and valued CONSULTANT bringing in the NEW data.


Organizations like New Zealand are open to feedback and ideas.

They promote it as a basic value. They are CAN DO organizations.


Apply now for government COVID - related jobs and let us support you in bringing a methodology that you'll be heard and valued. The more people IN legislation truly understand wellbeing, the better we'll be off. 

  • In Sweden, 30% of the population works for the government
  • The US uses 12% of ALL it's income to create regulations 
  • 9mi people work for the government in the US
  • 2mi people are paid by the Australian government


Wellbeing policy-making jobs are the jobs of the future.


And the future is now:

Get a competitive advantage by learning how we created wellbeing jobs with amazing results and get this new job for yourself.


Because it's time to bring EXPERT Wellbeing knowledge into policymaking.


At Moov-IT we have worked with +25 companies and prevent dis-ease in 3 months in companies after years of increase! The company grew, people were happier, more connected, and educated. It all starts from within.


Get creative. From quarantine to health retreats! The budgets are already available, governments are creating this market as we speak.


Can you feel it? Can you see your next retreat be ordered by your government to support travelers visiting your country? Is tourism 50% of your countries' income too?


In just 2 weeks the best retreat centers in the world heal cancers, diabetes, and all other chronic diseases.


Can you see yourself educating government colleagues, creating healthy habits together?


Can you feel the pull of wellbeing being the most wanted job ever? 

Read the message by the New Zealand government above. 


Wellbeing jobs are the highest priority for the governments, thé biggest employers in the world. 


Governments in Europe create between 15%-30% of all jobs in a country and wellbeing is their top priority NEW job. It has your name. 


Let's make that isolation the 2 best weeks of people's lives!


Quarantine costs in Australia are up to 2.500 AUD. Let's create the bést quarantaine EVER (even if I don't believe it is necessary) and let's take retreats into the Quarantaine. 


These jobs, very restricting at the moment can become unique opportunities for a whole new holistic prevention system. The time is now. 


To make the change.


Our Dreamjob training gives you all the tools to GET the job and IMPLEMENT this job whilst still living your dreamlife and traveling.


Does this seem counterintuitive to you?


Does it feel opposite to your values?

To work for a cause you don't support? 


True changes come from within.

On a small scale, healing dis-ease from within.

Or on a large global scale, sharing knowledge with every single person you meet.


I love being educated on topics I haven't focused on, like climate change.

My personal journey is in wellbeing. I can see the future in 10 years. So can you.


If you are strong enough in your beliefs, and you are surrounded by enough like-minded people that show you results every day. Then YOU have an opportunity to lead and educate thousands of people who haven't had time to receive and focus on the right knowledge.


it’s not that people aren’t open to new approaches;

It’s that the funding for the current 1 approach is super strong and is not being questioned. In business terms: there's been some very strong marketing conditioning happening. The only way to beat it? Join the game with more effective approaches! :-) Welcome in the startup world.


Money shows priority. Especially in this COVID times.

The priority to wellbeing is set. Now let’s make it effective whilst we have the worlds’ focus.

Apply for a Dream job transformation session here and visualize if this is for you.


