Well this is a truly and inspirational story with Hugh Grant and Nicholas Hoult....
Folks, for the first time I watched "About a Boy" on Sky tonight. Over the past 18 months we have been though turmoil (aside from the fact China wanted to reset the world economy). But, we will save that thought for another day. I have four boys so it was most poignant. 2 facts - "Your children and having their health is over your wealth". My point is this - I have just appreciated a brilliant film that was the most heart warming picture I have ever seen and I had a great feel good factor and with this kind of redemption for Hugh. Go watch. You may think I'm crazy but you do have to be a tad mad to survive. I just have issues with the world we are residing in. Click on the link to You Tube below and you will know what life is about....FAMILY x.