Well Planning Considerations
Well Planning Considerations:
- Surface location selection
- Target depth, location, and required intersection details
- Target size, survey accuracy requirements
- Formation characteristics/ Salt, hard bands, etc
- Directional drilling and surveying technology
- Logging requirements
- Required placement of production equipment
- Well bore pressures and temperatures
- Mud program
- Bit program, vibration logs, etc
- Pumps- flow rates/ depth/ pressure for motor operations
- Well profile selection: 2D if possible, least tortuous
- Kick-off point and well profile harmonized with well sections
- Minimum 20 degree inclination
- Hole direction section
- Bit changes and BHA changes at the same time
- Rotary drillings as much as possible
- Logging program as function of hole angle
- Drill string design for over pulls, torque and buckling
- Avoid/ minimize critical hole cleaning angle range 45-65 degree
Well Planning Considerations: Geological factors
Structural issues:
- Formation types and tops ( salt )
- Marker zone presence
- Dip angle(s)
- Natural deviation tendencies
- Drilling problems
- KO constraints
Reservoir Description:
- Bed thickness of pay zone
- Gas, oil, and water contact depth
- Permeability
- Fracture orientation ( if any )
Well Planning Considerations: Well Profile
- KO depth
- Vertical depth of target
- Horizontal displacement to target from surface location