Well, I cannot believe it took me 56 years to learn this....
Grant Saxon Rowe
Helping B2C businesses generate growth on Amazon with proven PPC and SEO formulas developed whilst building our own brands. DM me to discuss how to scale your Amazon business. | Founder & CEO |
I do not normal do this kind of post on Linked-In. I do not normally do this kind of post even on social media.
Ever heard of Aphantasia? Me Neither!
I was watching someone on TikTok just saying something along the lines of.“I can't believe people can actually see images in their heads if the sit there and think about an object or place”. ?
At first, my natural reaction was " More Social Fake News". But as the lady spoke on it was simply weird.
If you close your eyes and image something. What do you see?
I see black, nothing, zippo. I thought this was completely normal! I mean if you close your eyes why would you see anything? Right??
Well apparently, not.
As I have now learnt, 98% of the population can see varying degrees of vivid images in their head! I mean what?
If you don't see anything, it’s called Aphantasia and according to what I have read, 2%-4% of the population have it!
You can see actual images in your head if you think about a thing? That’s F*CKING amazing.
I get that 98% of people that are reading this, will say what the hell is he talking about. But trust me, I have never been able to visualise any image in my head just by thinking about it and I assumed everyone was the same.
I find the thought of that amazing!
Links between aphantasia (imagery weakness), synaesthesia and autism. Aphantasics show elevated autism-linked traits. Aphantasia and autism linked by impaired imagination and social skills.
I was diagnosed with autism a few years ago which went some way in helping me understand why I felt more comfortable with a data sheet opposed to a socially busy environment and my lack of social graces.
The lack of social skills will not surprise any of my ex-colleagues. I think something - it comes out!
Aphantasia goes some way to explain why collaborating with designers, I just couldn't work out what the hell they were on about!
Aphantasia can affect emotions, memory, empathy, risk perception, mind wondering and creativity.
I still can't believe we are not taught about this!
Do you have Aphantasia or not? I am interested to know if it’s truly 2%-4% of the population.
Ill share a video below if anyone wants to learn about it!
I knew you was broken..