"Well done!"  - jak inaczej po ?????

"Well done!" - jak inaczej po ?????

Nie, nie pójdziemy w ?adne bana?y typy gud dziob. Mam dla Ciebie 6 smakowitych k?sków, cho? dla smakoszy krwistych steków - to one akurat nie s? "well done". Zobacz jak cieknie:


  1. good going
  2. excellent effort
  3. brilliant execution
  4. superb delivery
  5. masterful job
  6. stellar effort


  1. Good going with this negotiation. I think it's gonna be a deal!
  2. Excellent effort on the project. Everybody knows now that your dedication shows!
  3. Brilliant execution of the plan, couldn’t have done it better...
  4. Superb delivery during the pitch, world class, Jimmy.
  5. Masterful job handling that crisis. I have an inkling to bring another one... XD
  6. Stellar effort on the redesign. You're a rock star!

Projekty z zagranicznym klientem?

Robimy najlepsze kursy j?zykowe dla firm. Tak, ?e ka?dy pracownik po paru miesi?cach jest rock star odwalaj?cy stellar efort.



?? Mateusz Wo?niak

Sales for hire. Co Ci sprzeda??

1 个月

?u finally didn’t fucked something up, congrats”


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