Well-Being Wednesday: 6 Journal Exercises to Feel Better in 20 Minutes or Less
Journaling is a great way to process emotions. It can also help you to change your perspective, focus on a situation, or refocus your attention on more positive things. Try out these different journaling activities geared towards making you feel better, they only take 20 minutes or less.
The Gratitude List: Sit down,put your name and date at the top of the page, and then just start listing everything you are grateful for on your piece of paper. Go for as long as you feel motivated to, and don’t be afraid to go back and read old lists!
The ‘Inspired’ Action Plan: Feeling overwhelmed? Sit down and write a list of everything you are able to do right now to make yourself feel better. This is great for helping you feel in control when you’re overwhelmed!?
The ‘Let Go’ Pile: Write out a list of all of the things little or big that you can let go of, really consider where you might be wasting your precious time and energy and write it out. AND if you are feeling inspired, tear apart that list and let go of all those things.?
The Brain Dump: Feel like you are holding too much in your head right now? Get out? a piece of paper and write all of the deadlines and pesky thoughts that won’t go away. Sometimes getting those things out on paper can help clear them from being cluttered in your head.?
The ‘Did It’ List: Not feeling like you’ve been productive enough? We’re gonna call baloneyon that.Get out that piece of paper and write down everything you DID accomplish in the last day, week or month. Sometimes we lose sight of how much we do get done!
The Limiting Belief System: Write out all the beliefs and patterns of thinking that you feel like are holding you back right now. Then below that right down why these statements are NOT true.?
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