Well-being 3.0: from Personal to Public Good
Kristine Mennika ????????
Head of Corporate Communications at Bite Latvija / LASAP Board Member / Humility and serving are embedded in my DNA
During the Covid-19 pandemic well-being was a topic I discovered and took care of in my organization. Since that, it is still in my focus of interest and exploration. Therefore, when I was invited to speak at HR conference in autumn of 2022, there was no question on topic. However, I wanted to bring a new perspective, considering the latest developments – the war in Ukraine.
First,?I was digging information about the evolution of well-being and found a research?“Physician Well-being 2.0: Where Are We and Where Are We Going ” done by Tait D. Shanafelt, MD, Professor of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, 500 Pasteur Dr, Stanford, CA, that had been published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Volume 96, Issue 10,?October 2021.
Then, based on the Professor’s theory of evolution of physician well-being, I have expended the perspective and developed a concept of well-being 3.0, that started on 24 February 2022. Date not requiring explanation.
From the “era of distress” to well-being 2.0
In his research the Professor Tait D. Shanafelt deep dived in the historical phase of physician well-being – from the “era of distress” to well-being 2.0 that has blossomed during the pandemics. In the “era of distress” physicians were mostly in focus of the organization on the day of pay-out, in the next phase – well-being 1.0 – organizations started to observe the correlation between physician well-being and quality of care, as well as patient satisfactions (the economic costs of physician burnout for health care organizations and society); in 2017 organizations started slowly to move towards well-being 2.0, putting the well-being of their employees on the agenda (meaning the implementation of various programs and systems). Summing up: by 2005 the focus of organizations was towards the institution, in well-being 1.0 phase – to patients, and in well-being 2.0 – both patients and physicians. ?
New era of well-being 3.0
In his research the Professor is not referring to a particular starting date of any previous historical phases of well-being. Nevertheless, the developed concept of well-being 3.0 has a clear starting line – 24 February 2022, when Russia invaded in the Ukraine. This is the date when our personal well-being started to correlate with the well-being of the affected nation, and we began to give more ourselves and expect more from our employers.
Several surveys have been conducted since the beginning of the war. They clearly showcase that the majority of Latvians have strong position and there is hight readiness to act in order to support Ukraine in all possible means. For example, “Kas notiek Latvijā?” survey conducted by SKDS already in March indicated that 65.4% support Ukraine, and 90% support is in families where speaks Latvian. Citadele`s survey conducted by Norstat in June revealed that almost every third in Latvia is willing to pay more for heating and electricity if it would help to become independent from Russian energy resources (another 15% would be willing to do so, unfortunately cannot afford it). In September, a survey of TV3 show "900 sekundes" concluded that since the beginning of the war 46% of Latvians already have donated to support Ukraine (money, goods, time, etc.).
What does it show to organizations?
Employees are impacted by the war, and they are not indifferent to what is happening in Ukraine; they want to provide all kind of support and to be active and serving members of the helping society. This is something employers can`t ignore – the employee no longer needs another personal benefit, there is significant shift in expectations.
Employee expectation No. 1: Support for the Personal Need to Help
Since most Latvians have a clear and bold position regarding the war issues, and there is a natural need and will within one`s abilities to provide any kind of support to Ukraine or war refugees, every organization should take into account that this may require both time and energy of their employees.
Nowadays, employee expect that the employer will be endorsing intended activity related Ukraine, and there are many examples of such favourability from organizations. For example, TVNET GRUPA had both supported the participation of its RUS Tvnet team in the protest at the Freedom Monument and highlighted it in their social media accounts. The team of MADARA Cosmetics, AS provided official social media accounts to employees who wanted to express their current feelings and emotions. Meanwhile, the office of the agency New Black Latvia , at the initiative of its employees, in one day turned into a candle workshop for barracks. As Arturs Mednis , the owner of the agency, said, he learned about this turn only at the moment of his office visit that looked like a warehouse then; however, it had not surprised him, as everyone in the organization is united in this matter, and he values and actively supports any individual idea from the very first day.
Few more great examples are showcasing the diversity of possible support. Latvijas Mobilais Telefons SIA became a partner of NGO “Tavi draugi”, therefore uncocking the potential of unlimited support opportunities – allowing employees to share their knowledge and expertise in solving a practical issue of the NGO, as well as supporting and even encouraging the volunteering of both individuals and teams in the warehouse at Ventspils Street 50. Latvijas Banka , seeing the desire of its employees to help and support, offers 10 paid Volunteer Days a year.
Employee expectation No. 2: Strong Public Position on the War in Ukraine
Besides, employees expect not only support for their individual activities, but also clear position and public communication from the organization. It helps them to make sure that they share the same values. It has been heard that employees of organizations whose employer has not clearly defined and vocalized public their position are confused and feel discomfort. Ignorance and silence can lead to negative consequences for any organization, which I will talk in the final remarks.
Already in the first days of the war many organizations in Latvia had expressed a clear and firm public position – sharing statements of support in social media, displaying flags near offices, on screens, shop windows, etc. I know that many organizations carried out a series of internal communication activities, such as organizing management and employee meetings, management emails or support line. I believe that all such kind of external and internal communication activities strengthened the feeling of loyalty and belonging.
There are many good examples and, unfortunately, it is impossible to mention all of them, so in screenshots below I will highlight only some from social media or personal connections. Please pay attention to a photo of New Black Latvia office nearby The Riga Maternity Hospital. Regardless of their peaceful neighbourhood, they have welcomed flying eggs in windows, but this has not stopped them from continuing to express public and visible support to the brave nation of Ukraine. I trust that no flying egg can stop employees to be proud of their employer and to continue their good deeds.?
Employee expectation No. 3: Responsible and Solid Action
Even more, employees expect from their organization not only support for their personal activities and public support for Ukraine, but also REAL actions.
As each organization has its own niche, the range of support is almost endless. From the publicly available information, I have distinguished only a few vivid examples (thanks to all other organizations that were not mentioned in my article):
Final remarks
It is obvious that after 24 February 2022 the concept of well-being has been evolved and transformed. For organization, well-being is no longer a matter of meeting personal needs of employees and endlessly expanding the package of benefits. Now, it is about acting responsibly and caring for both their employees and Ukrainians.
What happens to those organizations that ignore a natural evolution of well-being to 3.0 and are still stuck in any of the previous phase? Well, the best thing that could happen – an affected business and reduced financial flow.
What's the worst? Damaged reputation and employees who quit.
Employees quit as their value system doesn`t match to their organization`s, they are ashamed of the employer's position or actions (or silence and inaction).
Sharing a vivid example of my former Microsoft colleague Yaryna Klyuchkovska (My dear friend, thank you for allowing me to use it as a reference!). Short version is below and extended here :
Between the lines
I believe that well-being 3.0 is the foundation of an empathetic, humane, and sustainable society. The more and the sooner organizations globally will start to accelerate the transition to well-being 3.0, the better and more mature our entire society will become.
The most important NOW – let the war end and Ukrainians win, so we could jointly restore the devastated country and live in a safer world.
?Screenshots and photos from public sources – social networks and media; a picture of New Black office was sent by the organization.
HUGE #kudos to Elina Lidere Diāna Krampe Zane Bārtniece and Arturs Mednis for contributing the story, and, of course, Dainius Baltru?aitis ?and?Gunita Ka?a ?for an opportunity to speak at?HR Nedē?a Latvija that inspired me to develop the concept of well-being 3.0.