Welcoming OC Alan Pittaway (3913) back to Campbell College last week

It was with great pleasure that Alumni Relations Manager, Suzy McIlveen and Campbell College Development Director, Cathy Law welcomed OC Alan Pittaway back to Campbell College last week.

Alan's a tremendous supporter of the College and a great advocate of ours; he lives in England and whilst with us took advantage of ensuring his Profile on the new OC website - www.oldcampbellians.co.uk - was fully up-to-date! 

Alan speaks for himself in the video we attached as a LinkedIn update (please note the glorious background music was courtesy of the College Pipe Band, Senior Orchestra and The Band of The Royal Regiment of Scotland, practising in Central Hall for last Wednesday afternoon's concert!)

It was brilliant to hear from Alan that upon leaving the College he was off to enjoy lunch with OC contemporaries.

Interested in coming back to see how Campbell College has changed over the years and hear both The OC Society and College plans for the future? You would be most welcome.

Please don't hesitate to contact Suzy McIlveen, Alumni Relations ([email protected]) or Walter Murphy, OC Society Manager ([email protected]) to arrange a Tour.

*** and this from Alan yesterday: "I arrived home a short time ago after the most enjoyable holiday I have had in a very long time. I crammed a lot in, but undoubtedly the highlight was my visit to Campbell."

Thank you Alan, it was an absolute pleasure!


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