Welcoming Back In Person Meetings
With the changing of restrictions when it comes to the recent pandemic, all of us are getting used to interacting with people face to face again. Whether you are a local business owner who has been welcoming your clients back to your shop or a professional in the corporate world who is returning to the office after two years working from home, the return to being in the presence of our peers is just one residual effect of the ‘new normal’.
With being cooped up in our homes for the past two years, the need to adapt was quite relevant when it came to meetings. Platforms such as Zoom, MS Teams, and Google Hangouts became the norm for team planning, closing a sale, the recruiting of new employees or even meeting a new prospective client. While these platforms were needed due to the circumstances, they also made meetings much more convenient. With hybrid workplaces still to be commonplace it is likely we will still see these apps used.
However, now that the face to face interaction is returning, it is important to remember the way meetings were before. While an online platform made meetings convenient, this also created more opportunities for unproductive sessions. The following article discusses eight points to remember when preparing for an in person meeting.
After reviewing this article, think about how you are returning to in person work and how you can follow these steps to help you succeed with the work you are doing.