Welcome in the world after Covid that will please you or shock you
In the slipstream of an unprecedented flow of more than 16 zettabytes (trilliard) of data developments were already stand-by to accelerate their power of change. The Covid pandemic helped the massive data power to speed up their disruptive dynamics which not only bring the so-called fourth industrial revolution but also in its slipstream fundamental societal change.
By-by office To start with, the post Covid economy will reinvent the way we work. The working-from-home experiment evolved to such a succes that this will be cemented in the way organization operations will be restructured from now on. New data driven tools will be implemented to support it.
Forever gone Hit by new data-driven automation processes many jobs will disappear forever, most in the service industry. It is part of a process that will accelerate to protect businesses from future pandemics.
New Skills The skills needed in this rapid digital transformation process have to be redefined and with it the implication to assist the employees that are lucky and do not have to leave the organisation.
New managers Managers have the task to create a culture of collaboration although the team members at not at the office but three of four days a week at home. Their role and skills need te be different from the pre-covid managers at the office. Charisma and confidence are no longer the most important characters but foremost being organised, productive and making timely connections with the remote teams to be more effective and appreciated by the team members.
Games to recruit In this hybrid way of working and organizing a new recruiting tool will impact the way companies hire, promote or retain employees to the job. Watch out gamers, this might be your advantage because organisations will use games to find the talents they need. With the games recruiters will measure your cognitive and personal traits. This way of recruiting is already entering the area of financial, consulting technology jobs and those in the health industries.
A new boss The automated systems will make one step further. Thanks to the large scale of data. With their algorithm driven decision making processes from simple chatbot to recruiting and improving customer experience, they wil change the entire service concepts. These systems do not take your job, they become your new boss.
The First AI Human There is a project that goes even much further, and is able to replace employees in a conversation with for instance customers online. The GPT-3 project has learnt from a large collection of online text, photo’s, faces and social media. GPT-3 is with a so-called mathematical system modeled like the neurons in the brain and trained with universal language models. It is as an artificial intelligence innovation of the highest order. With the gained knowledge it can communicate with you independently, without any human interference. This is only the start of AI innovations that are able to act like humans in all kind of ways.
Oh-oh Fashion A next category that will be hit by the Covid is the fashion retail. The new phenomenon of working at home means other clothing than you would wear at the office. It is more about what is convenient and what you like to wear instead of what you need to wear. The longer Covid drags on the shift caused by this casualisation phenomenon will accelerate a might stick. The business woman was very lucrative for fashion shops. She used to buy clothing that feels her confident at the office and her busy life. She was willing to spend for this purpose. But now she makes different choices. It would mean less fashion shops and more convenient clothing to be bought via Internet. Already the fashion business is suffering.
BlockBusters at home Another digital trend accelerated by Covid is the way we will see the new movies that used have thier premiere in the movie theaters. Warner Bross will debut in 2021 all its new movies on HBO max at no extra cost. The new releases will be done simultaneously with the premieres in the theaters. It was foreseen that this would happen as a consequence of the rise of streaming video capabilities. Only the biggest blockbusters helped to soften the plummeting revenues. Movie theaters already were forced to close and film studio’s to reinvent their movie distribution. Covid has pushed this development even further.
Only the beginning Companies of all kind are still suffering from the Covid pandemic and are forced to restructure their business fundamentally. The availability of the immense large scale of data will not only help but also will lead to predominant and omnipotent changes in organisations, companies and society in the era of zettabytes data, boosted by the Covid pandemic. The zettabyte revolution has started.