Welcome to the world of advertising - The whole universe turns around the agency

Welcome to the world of advertising - The whole universe turns around the agency

   â€”But you are looking for an internship in the creative department —concluded in French that individual after studying my brief resume. He was staring at me, sitting across the desk of a large office decorated with awful contemporary paintings.

    In his late fifties, thin but with jowls and flab hiding the belt. My sedentary interlocutor did not seem to practice sport in his life but enjoyed rich delicacies. Over-perfumed with a penetrating lotion from another age, slicked back hair and flawless black pinstripe suit, cutting edge in the seventies, red handkerchief coming out from the howler jacket pocket, that subject was not more not less than Monsieur Sobranet, account director McKein Paris. And he enjoyed his range.

    â€”Oui, c'est ?a ! —I said, sitting in a much lower and uncomfortable chair than his.

    â€”Then you have to speak with Monsieur Martin Elan, who is the creative director —he grumbled.

    â€”Ah I did not know. I've been told to ask for you.

    â€”Here we don’t like to waste time, young men, you should know it. Inform yourself better before annoying people.

    In this unusual way began my first day of internship at McKein Paris. And I was coming specifically from Madrid with very good references.

    Fortunately soon I managed to get revenge after this person that reserved me such an unkind welcoming. Nobody talks to me like this, account director or not.

    I went to the creative department, which was across the agency.

    â€”Monsieur Martin Elan, please?

    â€”Who is asking for him?

    â€”I am Monsieur Rodriguez. Monsieur Sobranet sends me, I came to do an internship this summer.

    â€”Impossible, we already have all our interns.

    â€”But I came expressly from Madrid to do an internship! —was the first thing I could think of and said impetuously.

    â€”Impossible —repeated the lady this time without taking his eyes off the screen.


    â€”I said that it is impossible, goodbye.

    I left the agency. What to do?

    â€”Yes? —I heared the person on my phone.


    â€”Daniel, what happens?

    â€”Well it happens that blablabla.

    â€”Oh yeah?

    â€”Yes, and blablabla.

    â€”Well do not worry, I'll call my contact and call you right away.

    â€”Okay —I answered calmly.

    Minutes later…

    â€”You can go back, they are waiting for you.

    â€”Monsieur Rodrigues! —exclaimed enthusiastic a litle dwarf in his forties, long white hair pulled back in a ponytail, black baggy linen pants and matching shirt. He was standing at the front door of McKein Paris, —come with me —said effusively and with a strong German accent. A creative.

    He put his arm around my shoulders standing on his tiptoe and led me into the agency.

   â€”Merci —I said.

    McKein Paris was a huge building that looked like a cathedral located in the outskirts of Paris. In fact shortly after I noticed that the staff spoke of the agency referring to “the cathedral”. An imposing stone statue representing an eagle in flight of more than three meters wide occupied the center of the spacious entrance hall. Upon entering the agency steps resounded like a museum. Nothing better to impress the visitor. The eagle symbolized Monsieur Levin, CEO of McKein Paris, a legend that occupied the top floor of the cathedral and that little showed.

    â€”There's been a misunderstanding, no one had informed us that you had been recommended by the CEO of Boreal Spain. We would love to have you with us this summer.

    â€”Merci —I repeated better understanding how things work.

    â€”The lady at the reception stood smartly as she saw us coming. At a faint eyebrows signal from Martin Elan she showed me her best smile and performed a bow ballet.

    Already in the creative department ...

    â€”Monsieur Rodrigues, look, do you see this storyboard? I'll explain it to you my son, come with me.

    For fifteen minutes he described me the creative process that had led to build the campaign.

    â€”And now I'll introduce you to the people that you will work with this summer. And if you ever have the slightest question, do not hesitate to ask.

    We headed next, spacious and carpeted in green office and decorated walls with pictures of well known cigarettes, clothes and of course several products from the best client of the agency, Boreal.

    An accurate lash from the other corner of the room landed right in the shoulder of a young man, brown hair, sweaty and nose and glasses against the screen of his laptop, drumming nervously and manipulating a mouse.

    â€”Yes master, yes, almost finished.

    I looked at the victim and then turned my eyes to the other corner, from which came the dressage masterclass.

    Standing, body weight resting on one leg, dressed in Docker's pincer, orange Lacoste polo, the individual coiled whip between the elbow and hand. Well it was not a whip but an order, but given with such precision and dryness that looked like a whip.

    â€”Bonjour Monsieur Elan —said rushing to shake hands with the boss.

    â€”Fran?ois bonjour. This is Monsieur Rodrigues, your new stagiaire.

    â€”Monsieur Rodrigues, meet Fran?ois, art director, who will be your direct supervisor from today.

    â€”Bonjour Monsieur Rodrigues —he said shaking hands firmly.

     â€”Enchanté —I said—, and that ... I mean, and him?

    â€”It's Ludovic. The stagiaire. He has been six months with us and within a week he will end his internship. He is working with Fran?ois in a very important project. A new girl, Miyoko I think she is called, and you are going to replace him.

    â€”Bonjour —I said to the slave.

    â€”Bonjour —replied the slave unconsciously giving an interrogative intonation to his answer.

    So things work in an advertising agency.

    At night I called home.

    â€”You are happy, right? You're going to do the internship! —said my mother, ignoring the skills that Fran?ois had with the whip.

Pages 17-20 of my book "Feeling like a grape in Paris"

Xavier Gonzalez del Valle




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