Welcome to Week #18
You’ve been asking us to share universal/extended/alt ID insights to help make decisions about your identity infrastructure today and in the future, so that’s exactly what you’ll get in this tracker. It’s a race to replace third-party cookies before Q1 2025... Roqad has a front row seat to the European and North American universal ID landscape (among others), and while we can’t speak for every single bid transaction, we have a pretty good view of what is happening. The North America charts are listed first, and then the top 10 list for Europe as well as synthetic IDs for Germany and the UK. We will be on hiatus for the individual ID charts for Europe for a few weeks. A signal was added, so it'll be a few weeks before the numbers stabilize! Stay tuned.
The North America Charts
The Europe Charts
The Europe Charts are currently on hiatus for 2-3 weeks! Here is the Top 10 as of May 6. And then you'll see a chart for synthetic IDs in Germany and the UK.
Muchas gracias to data scientist Micha? Brzozowicz and overqualified intern James K. for the ID numbers and charts. Reach out to Joe Cha if you have questions about extended IDs, 3PCs, probabilistic identity, etc. OR you can have a face to face chat with one of the Roqad identity specialists attending ADZINE CONNECT or Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.