Welcome To Telford TLC Networking 2020
Yiasmin Freestone
Owner and Founder Business @ Company Select (UK) Limited | Authorised Corporate Legal Service Provider and Business, Fraud Preventions Officer, Legal & HR Director/ACLSP
Only One Week to go!
TLC Networking event is held at : The Shropshire Golf Club, Muxton, Telford, On Tuesday 21st January 2020, 09.30 - 11.30
Places filling up fast, come and join us and discover a new way to network Everyone is welcome, no limitations.
This is a networking event, designed to suit everyone, your input is welcomed, your ideas will be incorporated.
TLC Networking will be built around its attendees and members. Remember this is YOUR Network and YOUR chance for new doors and opportunities for your businesses.
For further information, please contact me on : 01952 200022 or e-mail : [email protected]