Welcome to the team, Emanuel!

Welcome to the team, Emanuel!

Let us introduce a new member of the InnovX-BCR team! Emanuel Cernat, Chief Internationalization Officer, joined our team in 2022??

Emanuel Cernat is the Managing Partner of Corporate Affairs Strategies. Prior to that, he worked for many years as Senior Manager of McGuireWoods, a reputable American consultancy where he coordinated the financial services and international trade practice of the company while assisting numerous other clients in various practice areas.

Before joining the consultancy domain, Emanuel served as a career diplomat, acquiring a remarkable professional experience after fulfilling his duties over the years as personal advisor to several Foreign Ministers as well as diplomatic counselor to a number of Ministers in charge with regional development, business environment and tourism.

During his diplomatic tenure, he was involved in multiple large-scale projects, assisted key foreign investments, joined trade missions and worked closely and directly with all of the Romanian ministries, the Romanian embassies abroad and foreign missions accredited in Romania. In his early career, Emanuel also had the chance to work and coordinate projects as part of his former assignments with the United Nations Development Program in Romania, as well as a pioneer key expert within the Ministry for European Integration.

His academic training recommends him as an expert in strategic communication, comprising a PhD in the field audio-visual communication. Moreover, through his professional, personal and educational background, he does benefit from an in depth understanding of the French, German and US cultures.

Until now, he took part in the Design Thinking week as a mentor. Each company had a personalized 90 minute session with 7 of our mentors, receiving valuable input from various fields of expertise. As a result, we have identified the challenges and recommended solutions for each of our companies in an action plan, which will guide them towards the best solutions from our program and overall customize the pre-acceleration phase by 30%.

Looking forward to see what’s next!



