Welcome to Spring!
"Politeness [is] a sign of dignity, not subservience"
-- Theodore Roosevelt
Here is a poem to set the tone for spring ….
Spring has sprung, the grass has riz; I wonder where the flowers is!
I have been doing customer service for Brown’s Heating, Cooling and Plumbing for the last four months and…guess what…I love it! It has also been the inspiration for this newsletter because I am appalled by the lack of courtesy in today’s world. What happened to please, thank you, you’re welcome and I’m sorry?
Let’s start with the old adage “the customer is always right.” Does it make any difference if they are right or wrong? NO! They are the customer and our job is to keep the customer happy…and that’s where please, thank you, you're welcome (NOT “no problem”), and I’m sorry come into play.
Customer service is caring about the customer, identifying their problem, solving that problem in the most efficient, least abrasive way and all the while keeping them as a happy customer. Regardless of where fault lies with a given situation, it is so easy to say “I’m sorry, and let me fix it!” Usually the problem is minor and all your customer wants to do is vent and have their irritation acknowledged.
Doesn’t this apply to everything in life? No matter what you do for a living or where you work--whether you live alone or with many, whether with friends or family--please, thank you, you’re welcome and I’m sorry are simple words to remember and they are always welcomed by the recipient. Give it a try…you will be surprised (and pleased!)