"Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love." ~~ Sitting Bull (T?at?á?ka Ãyotake)
Mt. Hood Information
Sitting Bull Information?
Western Region Contact: Keith Thompson/Regional Sales Manager
tel-620.694.1157 mobile-503.949.9258 email-kthompson@datacenterinc.com
About DCI
DCI - Data Center, Inc., is a community bank core processor owned by
community banks, with community bankers as board members. A core
built by bankers, for bankers.?
DCI is the developer of the award-winning iCore360? core banking
software and related technologies for community banks nationwide.
DCI is privately owned by a group of bank clients, with several
clients serving as board members and user group leaders. In addition
to iCore360?, DCI offers integrated solutions for Internet and mobile
banking, private ATM network and card management, teller automation,
remote capture, custom analysis, risk/vendor management, managed IT and
more. Among other awards, DCI has been named a 2016 FinTech Rankings
Top 100 technology provider by IDC Financial Insights, a 2015 FinTech
Forward Top 100 technology provider by American Banker and BAI, a
three-time winner of the BankNews Innovative Solutions Award and the
exclusive core processing solution endorsed by the California Bankers
Association. For more information about DCI, visit www.datacenterinc.com
Offices and Regional Sales Managers Nationwide.