Welcome to Shared Vision
I am delighted to announce that, after nearly 25 years, Rux Burton Associates is changing its name to Shared Vision.
We have changed the name because it better describes who we are and what we believe. It encapsulates our vision for a world where all are empowered by educational prosperity. We believe you share that vision too.
Shared Vision is about philanthropy itself. It’s about achieving a vision by asking those who have, to share with those who have not.
It’s also about our sector, and how we help and support each other. As an industry, we share. We work in partnership, because we know that, the more every institution prospers, the more we all prosper.
It’s about our outstanding company’s data expertise. Through demographic analysis, we combine knowledge for all our clients. Literally, tens of millions of data points sit within our data warehouse, and these results, from working with hundreds of clients globally, give us reliable insight that we share with our clients every day. It’s how we help them make evidence-based plans they know will achieve their vision.
Most important of all, the name is about education itself. Education is about sharing knowledge so young people can be empowered to achieve their vision for the world. It is why we get up in the morning. It’s probably the same for you too.
With our new name comes the launch Serafina. That’s our amazing new software to support all aspects of development. It’s integrated to Blackbaud’s Raiser’s Edge. And we are working to do the same with several other databases too. It delivers data insight, predictive modelling and an array of outstanding tools. It brings to Development the power of multi-channel marketing, letting you transform what your campaigns across f2f, phone, digital, email, mail and text. You will be hearing a lot more about it soon. Or visit our new website and find out for yourself now:
Or at our LinkedIn page
So Shared Vision is appropriate in so many ways. And it better fits our move to becoming a leading technology company in educational fundraising.
And yet it also reinforces what we have always stood for. Partnership. Our professional services team are still there to deliver phone campaigns and help with consultancy and hands-on assistance across your whole development function. Now, in Serafina, you have the tool to deliver everything you want and a partner, in Shared Vision, who is there, whenever you need it, to help make your success even greater.
Thank you to everyone who has worked with us over the last quarter of a century. It’s been an amazing journey of pledging and participation, incredible campaigns and educational transformation. £160 million from three hundred and seventy-five thousand people. And tens of millions in legacies too. Campaigns on five continents. But that’s only just the beginning.
That’s because we have a vision to share and we think you do too.
John Rux-Burton