Welcome to SEI Newsletter 021
Jason Cutter
Mission to help good companies help more customers | When a company wants more results from their sales team, that’s when you call me | Author of "Selling With Authentic Persuasion" | Guy with a Marine Biology Degree
So far, we have prioritized Openness and Curiosity.
Some sales pros think that grit, determination, persistence is the most important trait. Don’t worry, we will get to that next week!
For now, let’s talk about Trait #3: Creativity.
Creativity is not just about painting, drawing, music, or sculpting. It’s not just about the ‘arts’.
In sales, it’s about coming up with different solutions to any challenge you face. To be a master at trouble shooting, problem solving. To know the destination you want to achieve, being fully committed to getting there, and then not letting anything get in your way.
This week’s articles will help you as a salesperson get in touch with that, and why it’s one of the most valuable mindsets to have. For leaders, it’s about not stunting the team’s Creativity. And for Sales Ops leaders, it’s about hiring Creative salespeople.
Selling Effectiveness
So far, I have shared that the first two Sales Success Traits to be successful in sales (and in life) are Openness and Curiosity.
Now for #3: Creativity.
First let’s talk about what this means, then we can focus on why it’s important.
Read more [https://go.sellingeffectiveness.com/LI.11.11.AM]
Leadership Effectiveness
So how does someone ‘lead’ Creativity?
What mental, mindset muscle are you trying to cultivate, grow, and support?
If you have been tracking along with this series, then you won’t be surprised when I tell you that you can’t have Creativity without first being Open and then being Curious.
Sure someone can come up with new ideas, but in my experience if they don’t have Openness and Curiosity as predecessor mindsets, then those ideas either won’t get acted on or they wont get shared with anyone.
Read more [https://go.sellingeffectiveness.com/LI.11.12.PM]
Sales Operation Effectiveness
You have your plans for setting up your interview process and questions in a way that you will uncover someone’s true nature regarding Openness and Curiosity.
Now for the third layer in our Sales Success Traits: Creativity.
We are looking for someone who is willing to (and yes…I know…it’s cliché) think outside of the box when it comes to their sales role.
Increased effectiveness and results come from being willing to try different things to achieve different and better results.
Read more [https://go.sellingeffectiveness.com/LI.11.13.AM]
To your success,
Jason Cutter
PS. It’s that time of the year…to sprint to the end. What does that mean for your industry? Mad rush to close out deals before the end of the year? Get your customers to spend their budget? Offer deals to incentivize urgency? Does it slow down to a stop the last few weeks of the year? How can you make the most of this final 6ish weeks of the year?