Welcome to this round up of the latest free support for your business.

Welcome to this round up of the latest free support for your business.

Business Support.

Go Forth BID -?Finding your way in Stirling

Go Forth Stirling and Stirling Council are working together to make sure that everyone who visits and lives in Stirling finds it easy and enjoyable to navigate around the city of Stirling.

They want to understand why you visit and how you get around within the city. We're especially keen to hear about how we can improve signage and other navigational infrastructure like information boards to help people get to where they want to go and to feel confident in exploring more of our city.

Whether you're a resident, visitor, or business they want to hear your opinions. By taking part in the survey you'll be helping us to improve city centre directions and information for everyone here and make Stirling an even better place to visit, work, study, and live. This survey will take around 10 minutes to complete.

STEP - TALK 22 is here!

We are delighted to introduce the latest edition of TALK, packed with insights, updates, and highlights that are vital for our business community.Read the latest issue here or pick up a copy at the reception at any of STEP's sites.

STEP - Free Expert Help for HR, Leadership, and Organisational Development

Looking for expert guidance? Here’s your opportunity to receive free, tailored 1-2-1 support. Thanks to UK Shared Prosperity Funding, we can fully fund a specialist HR consultant to work with you on a 1-2-1 basis for up to five days.Specialists can assist with areas including:

  • Hiring for the First Time
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Developing HR Policies and Procedures
  • Understanding the Latest Employment Legislation
  • Contracts of Employment and Employee Rights
  • HR Strategy and Implementation
  • Leadership Development
  • Employee Engagement and Retention
  • Organisational Change and Development
  • Talent Management and Succession Planning
  • Training and Development
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Workplace Wellbeing
  • Performance Management
  • Conflict Resolution

This is not an exhaustive list. We can support most HR and leadership-related projects that contribute to your business growth. To learn more about how you can access this funding, contact [email protected]

Business Gateway Stirling -?Meet Our Advisers 1-2-1 Appointments

These one-to-one meetings are an opportunity for businesses based in and around Stirling to discuss their business with a Business Adviser.

Aberfoyle: Mon 27 Jan Killin: Mon 16 Dec

STEP -?Meet Our Expert: HR 1-2-1 Appointments

These one-on-one virtual meetings offer employers a great chance to chat with an HR expert and gain valuable insights. During this half-hour session, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your specific HR concerns and questions with our expert and gain personalised advice and guidance.?Appointment Dates:

Business Support Events.

BreakfastBuzz - Breakfastbuzz?Networking?

10 December 09.00 - 10.30 | The Klondyke Garden Coffee Shop

This event provides an opportunity for networking in a relaxed friendly atmosphere with lots of buzz. No booking, No fees and?No Membership.

Business Gateway - UK and Scottish Budget Breakdown

10 December 12.30 - 13.30 | Online

This webinar will unpack the key announcements from the UK and Scottish Budgets and explore their implications for your business.

Business Gateway -?A step-by-step guide to building your business plan

12 December 18.00 - 20.00 | Online

Just starting up or looking to update your business plan to get funding or take forward developments? Then this session is for you.

Business Gateway - Bookkeeping Essentials

19 December 10.00 - 12.00 | Online

We will cover what a profit and loss account is, how to prepare one, how to keep accurate financial records, and what expenses you can/can't claim for when looking to keep your tax bill down.

Stirling Council - Stirling Apprenticeship Event

4 March 10.00 - 15.00 | Stirling Court Hotel

If you are business that is interested in attending, please contact Michelle Carr ([email protected]) and Tracey Patrick ([email protected])


Scottish Government - Livestock Feed Controls in Scotland?***Closes?26 December 2024 This consultation focuses on the risk of spreading Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies in livestock feed. The Scottish Government wish to ensure that these controls continue to be effective, proportionate, and based on the latest scientific evidence. This consultation is open to everyone. We want to hear most from those who will be directly impacted by the proposals. This includes, but is not limited to, members of the public, livestock keepers, farmers, home compounders, feed mills, renderers, cutting plants, abattoirs, hauliers, industry trade bodies, enforcement officers as well as non-governmental organisations with an interest in livestock feed controls.

Stirling Council -?Council Website User Survey ***Closes 1 February 2025

Stirling Council are keen to hear views on their website.

Is it easy to navigate? Are there any improvements that could be made? Are there additional online services that should be offered?

Why not share your thoughts on its design, style, and content by taking part in a short survey?


The University of Stirling - Help to Grow: Management Course

This 12-week course is designed to be taken alongside full-time work through a combination of online sessions, face-to-face learning, peer support and mentoring. The course is for SME senior managers seeking to boost their business’s performance, resilience and long-term growth. The cost to attend is 90% funded by the UK Government (company contribution of £750). Stirling Management School is one of a select number of partners delivering the course.

The University of Stirling - GreenLaunch | Career Changers

GreenLaunch | Career Changers’ is a fully funded, 7-week skills and training programme designed to support individuals who are considering self-employment as a new career or second income, particularly with sustainable or green business ideas.Delivered by the University of Stirling’s Enterprise Programme and Scotland's International Environment Centre, Career Changers is a mix of hybrid workshops, peer to peer learning, and individual mentoring, which will cover all of the key components that need to be considered when planning a sustainable business.

UK Government -?Workplace Charging Scheme?***Closes 31 March 2025

The WCS is open to businesses, charities and public sector organisations that meet the applicant and site eligibility criteria. The grant covers up to 75% of the total costs of the purchase and installation of EV chargepoints (inclusive of VAT), capped at a maximum of:

  • £350 per socket
  • 40 sockets across all sites per applicant – for instance, if you would like to install them in 40 sites, you will have 1 socket available per site

Educational Opportunity Foundation - Main Fund

The Educational Opportunity Foundation supports charitable organisations working to improve access to education or the quality of education for children and young people under the age of 25, both in the UK and internationally.

For UK based projects, Educational Opportunity Foundation will only consider applications that are specifically targeted towards care experienced young people. Projects must be interventions designed to improve their educational outcomes and life chances. Funding is available for one to three years. They will fund between £30,000?to?£90,000 per project?(maximum £30,000 per year for multi year projects). Funding is available for new or pilot projects, or projects which have started in the past 12 months.

SCVO - Foux Foundation Grants??

The Foux Foundation is focused on helping in the areas of: health, education, youth opportunity and poverty.

Living across three different continents, the trustees take a global approach and are keen to support the appropriate organisations regardless of location. They fund:

  • The relief of sickness and promotion of good health
  • The advancement of education
  • The advancement of disadvantaged young people
  • The prevention or relief of poverty

Stirling Council -?Community Grants Programme Re-opens

The Community Development Team is pleased to announce that Stirling Council’s community grants programme has now re-opened. The programme was reduced earlier this year with a 50% cut during the tough budget setting with difficult decisions to be made.As a result we had to review the grants criteria and make changes, the key headlines are:?

  • All applications have to show how the project is aligned to Stirling Council priorities
  • The maximum grant available is £800
  • Community Councils and Community Development Trusts are restricted to a maximum of two applications, which must be for two entirely different projects, in a financial year; (all other groups restricted to one application in a financial year which is unchanged from previously)
  • Annual/repeat events such as community fun days, galas, festivals etc are now restricted to a maximum award of £200, down from previous £400
  • Outings for older people’s groups, peer support groups, etc are now restricted to a maximum award of £200

For full details of our community grants programme please visit the Council Community Grants pages here

Firstport - Start It

A Start It award is designed to help new social entrepreneurs pay for start-up costs up to £5,000. These costs vary, but typical examples include:

  • Legal fees for incorporation and/or registration as a charity or Community Interest Company.
  • Rent (if you have identified premises).
  • Website, branding, logo design and marketing materials.
  • Insurance and accountancy services.
  • Equipment.

Firstport - Pounds for Purpose?

Pounds for Purpose can you help cover the costs of getting your idea up and running up to £500. Costs can include hiring a venue, producing promotional materials, or insurance, amongst others. It all depends on what your idea is about. To be eligible, you must be an individual aged 18-26, seeking to make a positive change in the issues that matter to them. Open year round.

Scottish Government - Techstart Ventures Equity Finance

This funding includes Techstart Ventures Equity Finance, which is managed by Techstart Ventures on behalf of the Scottish Government. It provides equity finance of up to £2 million, in rounds of up to £10 million, for eligible businesses.

The equity funding can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • growth funding
  • research and development
  • working capital
  • capital expenditure

Techstart Ventures invests principally in early stage startups and SMEs who are developing innovative new products with high growth and export potential. To be eligible for equity financing of up to £2 million from Techstart Ventures Equity Finance, businesses must:

  • be a?small to medium-sized enterprise (SME), external link which will open in a new window
  • have a funding proposal which demonstrates the potential for high growth
  • have a viable business plan which explains your innovation, the scale of the potential market, your competitive advantage and how the requested funding will help grow your business
  • be based in Scotland or ready to relocate to Scotland (and be located in Scotland before any equity financing is made available)

Techstart Ventures Equity Finance is not sector-specific and businesses in a variety of sectors have already been supported under the fund, though certain sectors may be restricted.

Clackmannanshire Council - Clackmannanshire & Stirling Environmental Trust

The Trust manages landfill community fund credits raised through the land-filling of municipal waste from both Stirling and Clackmannanshire Councils and in the past successful projects have included improvements to play areas, community halls, historic and religious buildings and local woodlands. Projects aimed at conserving or improving native biodiversity have also received support.For more information, application pack or advice, contact the trust at?[email protected]

Scottish Enterprise - High-Growth Spinout Programme

The High-Growth Spinout Programme (HGSP) provides funding to support the commercialisation of advanced technologies developed at Scotland's universities, research institutes and NHS boards. The objective is to create new high-growth companies with the potential to generate significant economic impact in Scotland.

The purpose of the funding is to address gaps in the business plan for the prospective technology. The grant can support up to 100% of the direct costs of a project, up to a maximum of £75,000.

Supported activities include, but are not limited to:

  • the appointment of an experienced commercial champion to lead and manage commercial engagement
  • technology de-risking through prototyping
  • investor engagement
  • market research
  • regulatory assessment
  • intellectual property strategy development

Scottish Enterprise - SMART: Scotland Grant??

Are you a small or medium-sized business seeking to develop a new product, process or service? The?SMART: SCOTLAND grant can support technically focused feasibility studies to help discover if your idea will work in the real world. ?

They can support up to 70% of the eligible costs for a small enterprise and up to 60% of the eligible costs for a medium enterprise. Studies must last between 6 and 18 months, and the maximum grant is £100,000. Feasibility is paid with a third of the grant in an upfront instalment and the rest is quarterly in arrears. ?

You may be eligible if:

  • You’re a small or medium-sized business, university spin-out or an individual
  • You’re based, or planning to set up, in Scotland
  • Your project represents an advance in technological innovation for the UK industry or sector concerned
  • There are technical risks and challenges associated with defining and developing the technology
  • You own, or have rights to use, the intellectual property required to undertake the project
  • You’ll own all intellectual property developed during the project
  • You have the necessary management and technical expertise and resources (either in-house or brought-in) to make the project a success
  • Both the project and the business are financially viable
  • Financial assistance from SMART: SCOTLAND is essential for the project to go ahead

LANTRA - Next Generation Practical Training Fund

This fund aims to support new entrants to farming (less than 5 years) by providing up to £500 per course for skills development and training on the practicalities of agriculture, plus wider business and sustainability skills.? ?

The Next Generation Practical Training Fund offers financial support to those resident in Scotland who are:

  • Newcomers into the agricultural sector
  • Those who would have been unable to undertake training without financial support
  • Those who would have been unable to undertake a (possibly additional) formal qualification.

There is no age limit for applicants to the Next Generation Training Fund as agriculture attracts both mature new entrants and school leavers.

Employer Engagement - Parent Job Creation Scheme: A Lifeline for Parents Re-Entering Employment?

The Parent Job Creation Scheme addresses the employment needs of parents who are currently working. It provides funding for employers willing to create job positions specifically for parents. By funding a 25-hour-per-week role for a duration of six months, the scheme offers parents an essential pathway to regain financial independence and rebuild their careers.?? Whether you are a parent looking to benefit from these schemes or a business seeking support to create jobs or enhance existing positions, reaching out is simple. You can get in touch with the Employer Engagement team at [email protected] to explore how these initiatives can work for you.

Employer Engagement - Job Enhancement Scheme: Elevating Parental Careers

The Job Enhancement Scheme focuses on empowering parents already in the workforce. It offers lifelong learning opportunities, including accredited training, to help parents upskill and remain competitive in their careers. Employers are encouraged to invest in their workforce, with a particular focus on career progression and wage increases for parents.? Whether you are a parent looking to benefit from these schemes or a business seeking support to create jobs or enhance existing positions, reaching out is simple. You can get in touch with the Employer Engagement team at [email protected] to explore how these initiatives can work for you.

Green Space Scotland?- Tesco Stronger Starts?Stronger Starts supports thousands of local community projects and good causes across the UK.?The scheme is open to all schools, registered charities and not-for-profit organisations, with priority given to projects that provide food and support to young people. It provides grants of up to £1500 to local projects from across the whole of Scotland. We would encourage all groups and projects that support children and young people with a stronger start in life to apply.Stronger Starts is open to charities and community organisations to apply for a grant of up to £1,500?via an on-line application form. Every three months, three local good causes are selected to be in the blue token customer vote in Tesco stores throughout the UK.

Applications are open to all local good causes, but the fund prioritises projects that support children's food security and health and local store nominated good causes. This is not an exhaustive list and other project ideas also welcomed.

Examples include:

  • School Breakfast clubs
  • Holiday clubs
  • Play areas
  • Food banks
  • Counselling and support services for children
  • Equipment or non-statutory services for nurseries or schools e.g. forest schools, library books
  • Equipment for Brownie, Guide or Scout Groups e.g. camping equipment, badges
  • Services or equipment to support children and young people’s health
  • Equipment/kit for youth sports teams

Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise?- Cybersafe Community Grants?

Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise is pleased to announce the availability of a £750 grant for organisations in the region. The grant is specifically designed to support the hosting of Cybersafe outreach events. These events aim to disseminate crucial information related to online safety, covering topics such as creating secure passwords, using 2-factor authentication, identifying and handling scam/phishing emails, and securing laptops and phones. The grant provides an excellent opportunity for organisations to contribute to the community's awareness of cyber risks and resilience. Interested organisations can express their interest by completing the provided form, and SVE will respond promptly.

Historic Environment - Grants Programme

Historic Environment Scotland provides a range of grants and funding schemes to organisations developing projects that will benefit Scotland’s historic environment.Funding applications can focus on any aspect of Scotland's historic environment. For example, projects could involve:

  • historic buildings
  • ancient monuments and archaeology
  • designed or cultural landscapes
  • historic gardens
  • heritage skills
  • stories and traditions

Some examples of a typical project or activity are:

  • repair and consolidation works
  • archaeological excavations and research
  • skills and training
  • outreach work
  • interpretation
  • maintenance and management plans
  • community-led regeneration of the historic environment

Clackmannanshire And Stirling Environment Trust - Scottish Landfill Communities Fund?

The Trust offers funding to projects through the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund (SLCF). It will consider applications across all types of projects included in the SLCF Objects including: land reclamation, community recycling, public amenities and parks, biodiversity and historic buildings.

Stirling City Heritage Trust - Traditional Building Repair Grant

Grants are available for traditional properties within the Stirling City boundary and in Bridge of Allan and Dunblane which are members of the Traditional Buildings Health Check.All owners within a building must be current members of the Traditional Buildings Health Check, and you will need to have had an inspection carried out by our team to assess the condition of your property. At the time of your grant payment, you will need to have a minimum of 3 months left of your membership.

The grant rate is 50% of eligible works up to a maximum of £15,000 per building, per year. So, for example, on a building in shared ownership, that is £15,000 in total for any common repairs which would be divided between Traditional Buildings Health Check members. There is a minimum grant of £2,000 so eligible works must exceed £4,000.

There is a finite amount of grant funding available and funds will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Scottish Enterprise - Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund?***Closes?31 March 2026

The Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund helps Scottish manufacturing companies that wish to pursue business growth by developing low carbon products, processes or services. This may be achieved through pure research and development (R&D), capital investment or environmental aid support.

The National Lottery and Creative Scotland -? Open Fund for Organisations (artistic, creative and cultural)?

Organisations can apply for between £1,000 and £100,000 to support creative activity that lasts up to 18 months.?

The types of activity eligible for funding are:?

  • a specific one-off project or production
  • a period of creative research and development?
  • a longer-term programme of work?

The funding programme can also help organisations to undertake business and organisational development that will:

  • enhance business sustainability through the development of new or more diverse income streams
  • consider broader organisational development costs

The funding programme is open all year round, with no deadlines - organisations can apply at any time.

The Princes Trust - Test My Business Idea Grant

If you've completed the Prince's Trust Explore Enterprise Course, you can apply for a Test My Business Idea grant of up to £500 to help you try a new business idea. The Test My Business Idea grant can be used for a variety of purposes, such as: advertising, marketing, purchasing stock or equipment or building a prototype.

When you first contact the Trust, you'll be paired with a caseworker who will get to know you and your business idea through some initial induction meetings. You'll complete some documents to get set up in the system, then you can enroll on the Prince's Trust Explore Enterprise Course. The Explore Enterprise Course includes 7 sessions that cover the basics of self-employment, HMRC and finance, pricing and sales, marketing, networking, cashflows, and business plans. Read more about the Explore Enterprise Course.

Scottish Enterprise - Regional Selective Assistance Funding

RSA funding is designed to support projects that will help create jobs and a greener economy. If your company is in need of at least £100,000 in grant funding, check your eligibility and start the application process today.

Scottish Enterprise - Scottish Land Fund

The Scottish Land Fund supports rural and urban communities to become more resilient and sustainable through the ownership and management of land and land assets.

The fund offers grants of between £5,000 and £1 million to help communities take ownership of the land and buildings that matter to them, as well as practical support to develop their aspirations into viable projects.

It is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered in partnership with The National Lottery Community Fund and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

Scottish Enterprise -?SMART: SCOTLAND Grant

This is a research and development (R&D) grant for small and medium-sized businesses that aims to support high risk, highly ambitious projects. It covers conducting feasibility studies to show how ideas could work in the real world and supports activities that have a commercial endpoint.

Falkirk Council - Various Funding?

Falkirk Council recognises that Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected most businesses in some way. There are various funding options for those based in the Falkirk Council area.?

  1. Business Resilience Fund
  2. Digital Development Fund
  3. Business Restart Loan
  4. Business Loans Scotland
  5. Recovery Loan Scheme
  6. Employer Recruitment Incentive Fund
  7. Environmental Improvement Fund
  8. Energy Efficiency Fund
  9. Expert Help - Support to help your business succeed
  10. Low Carbon Advisory Service

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Welcome to this round up of the latest free support for your business.

Business Support.

Go Forth BID -?Finding your way in Stirling

Go Forth Stirling and Stirling Council are working together to make sure that everyone who visits and lives in Stirling finds it easy and enjoyable to navigate around the city of Stirling.

They want to understand why you visit and how you get around within the city. We're especially keen to hear about how we can improve signage and other navigational infrastructure like information boards to help people get to where they want to go and to feel confident in exploring more of our city.

Whether you're a resident, visitor, or business they want to hear your opinions. By taking part in the survey you'll be helping us to improve city centre directions and information for everyone here and make Stirling an even better place to visit, work, study, and live. This survey will take around 10 minutes to complete.

STEP - TALK 22 is here! We are delighted to introduce the latest edition of TALK, packed with insights, updates, and highlights that are vital for our business community. Read the latest issue here or pick up a copy at the reception at any of STEP's sites.

STEP - Free Expert Help for HR, Leadership, and Organisational Development Looking for expert guidance? Here’s your opportunity to receive free, tailored 1-2-1 support. Thanks to UK Shared Prosperity Funding, we can fully fund a specialist HR consultant to work with you on a 1-2-1 basis for up to five days. Specialists can assist with areas including:

  • Hiring for the First Time
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Developing HR Policies and Procedures
  • Understanding the Latest Employment Legislation
  • Contracts of Employment and Employee Rights
  • HR Strategy and Implementation
  • Leadership Development
  • Employee Engagement and Retention
  • Organisational Change and Development
  • Talent Management and Succession Planning
  • Training and Development
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Workplace Wellbeing
  • Performance Management
  • Conflict Resolution

This is not an exhaustive list. We can support most HR and leadership-related projects that contribute to your business growth. To learn more about how you can access this funding, contact [email protected]

Business Gateway Stirling -?Meet Our Advisers 1-2-1 Appointments These one-to-one meetings are an opportunity for businesses based in and around Stirling to discuss their business with a Business Adviser.

Aberfoyle: Mon 27 Jan Killin: Mon 16 Dec

STEP -?Meet Our Expert: HR 1-2-1 Appointments These one-on-one virtual meetings offer employers a great chance to chat with an HR expert and gain valuable insights. During this half-hour session, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your specific HR concerns and questions with our expert and gain personalised advice and guidance.? Appointment Dates:

Business Support Events.

BreakfastBuzz - Breakfastbuzz?Networking? 10 December 09.00 - 10.30 | The Klondyke Garden Coffee Shop This event provides an opportunity for networking in a relaxed friendly atmosphere with lots of buzz. No booking, No fees and?No Membership. Business Gateway - UK and Scottish Budget Breakdown 10 December 12.30 - 13.30 | Online This webinar will unpack the key announcements from the UK and Scottish Budgets and explore their implications for your business. Business Gateway -?A step-by-step guide to building your business plan 12 December 18.00 - 20.00 | Online Just starting up or looking to update your business plan to get funding or take forward developments? Then this session is for you. Business Gateway - Bookkeeping Essentials 19 December 10.00 - 12.00 | Online We will cover what a profit and loss account is, how to prepare one, how to keep accurate financial records, and what expenses you can/can't claim for when looking to keep your tax bill down. Stirling Council - Stirling Apprenticeship Event 4 March 10.00 - 15.00 | Stirling Court Hotel If you are business that is interested in attending, please contact Michelle Carr ([email protected]) and Tracey Patrick ([email protected])


Scottish Government - Livestock Feed Controls in Scotland?***Closes?26 December 2024 This consultation focuses on the risk of spreading Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies in livestock feed. The Scottish Government wish to ensure that these controls continue to be effective, proportionate, and based on the latest scientific evidence. This consultation is open to everyone. We want to hear most from those who will be directly impacted by the proposals. This includes, but is not limited to, members of the public, livestock keepers, farmers, home compounders, feed mills, renderers, cutting plants, abattoirs, hauliers, industry trade bodies, enforcement officers as well as non-governmental organisations with an interest in livestock feed controls.

Stirling Council -?Council Website User Survey ***Closes 1 February 2025 Stirling Council are keen to hear views on their website.

Is it easy to navigate? Are there any improvements that could be made? Are there additional online services that should be offered?

Why not share your thoughts on its design, style, and content by taking part in a short survey?


The University of Stirling - Help to Grow: Management Course This 12-week course is designed to be taken alongside full-time work through a combination of online sessions, face-to-face learning, peer support and mentoring. The course is for SME senior managers seeking to boost their business’s performance, resilience and long-term growth. The cost to attend is 90% funded by the UK Government (company contribution of £750). Stirling Management School is one of a select number of partners delivering the course.

The University of Stirling - GreenLaunch | Career Changers GreenLaunch | Career Changers’ is a fully funded, 7-week skills and training programme designed to support individuals who are considering self-employment as a new career or second income, particularly with sustainable or green business ideas. Delivered by the University of Stirling’s Enterprise Programme and Scotland's International Environment Centre, Career Changers is a mix of hybrid workshops, peer to peer learning, and individual mentoring, which will cover all of the key components that need to be considered when planning a sustainable business.

UK Government -?Workplace Charging Scheme?***Closes 31 March 2025 The WCS is open to businesses, charities and public sector organisations that meet the applicant and site eligibility criteria. The grant covers up to 75% of the total costs of the purchase and installation of EV chargepoints (inclusive of VAT), capped at a maximum of:

  • £350 per socket
  • 40 sockets across all sites per applicant – for instance, if you would like to install them in 40 sites, you will have 1 socket available per site

Educational Opportunity Foundation - Main Fund The Educational Opportunity Foundation supports charitable organisations working to improve access to education or the quality of education for children and young people under the age of 25, both in the UK and internationally.

For UK based projects, Educational Opportunity Foundation will only consider applications that are specifically targeted towards care experienced young people. Projects must be interventions designed to improve their educational outcomes and life chances. Funding is available for one to three years. They will fund between £30,000?to?£90,000 per project?(maximum £30,000 per year for multi year projects). Funding is available for new or pilot projects, or projects which have started in the past 12 months.

SCVO - Foux Foundation Grants??

The Foux Foundation is focused on helping in the areas of: health, education, youth opportunity and poverty.

Living across three different continents, the trustees take a global approach and are keen to support the appropriate organisations regardless of location. They fund:

  • The relief of sickness and promotion of good health
  • The advancement of education
  • The advancement of disadvantaged young people
  • The prevention or relief of poverty

Stirling Council -?Community Grants Programme Re-opens The Community Development Team is pleased to announce that Stirling Council’s community grants programme has now re-opened. The programme was reduced earlier this year with a 50% cut during the tough budget setting with difficult decisions to be made. As a result we had to review the grants criteria and make changes, the key headlines are:?

  • All applications have to show how the project is aligned to Stirling Council priorities
  • The maximum grant available is £800
  • Community Councils and Community Development Trusts are restricted to a maximum of two applications, which must be for two entirely different projects, in a financial year; (all other groups restricted to one application in a financial year which is unchanged from previously)
  • Annual/repeat events such as community fun days, galas, festivals etc are now restricted to a maximum award of £200, down from previous £400
  • Outings for older people’s groups, peer support groups, etc are now restricted to a maximum award of £200

For full details of our community grants programme please visit the Council Community Grants pages here

Firstport - Start It

A Start It award is designed to help new social entrepreneurs pay for start-up costs up to £5,000. These costs vary, but typical examples include:

  • Legal fees for incorporation and/or registration as a charity or Community Interest Company.
  • Rent (if you have identified premises).
  • Website, branding, logo design and marketing materials.
  • Insurance and accountancy services.
  • Equipment.

Firstport - Pounds for Purpose?

Pounds for Purpose can you help cover the costs of getting your idea up and running up to £500. Costs can include hiring a venue, producing promotional materials, or insurance, amongst others. It all depends on what your idea is about. To be eligible, you must be an individual aged 18-26, seeking to make a positive change in the issues that matter to them. Open year round.

Scottish Government - Techstart Ventures Equity Finance

This funding includes Techstart Ventures Equity Finance, which is managed by Techstart Ventures on behalf of the Scottish Government. It provides equity finance of up to £2 million, in rounds of up to £10 million, for eligible businesses.

The equity funding can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • growth funding
  • research and development
  • working capital
  • capital expenditure

Techstart Ventures invests principally in early stage startups and SMEs who are developing innovative new products with high growth and export potential. To be eligible for equity financing of up to £2 million from Techstart Ventures Equity Finance, businesses must:

  • be a?small to medium-sized enterprise (SME), external link which will open in a new window
  • have a funding proposal which demonstrates the potential for high growth
  • have a viable business plan which explains your innovation, the scale of the potential market, your competitive advantage and how the requested funding will help grow your business
  • be based in Scotland or ready to relocate to Scotland (and be located in Scotland before any equity financing is made available)

Techstart Ventures Equity Finance is not sector-specific and businesses in a variety of sectors have already been supported under the fund, though certain sectors may be restricted.

Clackmannanshire Council - Clackmannanshire & Stirling Environmental Trust The Trust manages landfill community fund credits raised through the land-filling of municipal waste from both Stirling and Clackmannanshire Councils and in the past successful projects have included improvements to play areas, community halls, historic and religious buildings and local woodlands. Projects aimed at conserving or improving native biodiversity have also received support. For more information, application pack or advice, contact the trust at?[email protected]

Scottish Enterprise - High-Growth Spinout Programme

The High-Growth Spinout Programme (HGSP) provides funding to support the commercialisation of advanced technologies developed at Scotland's universities, research institutes and NHS boards. The objective is to create new high-growth companies with the potential to generate significant economic impact in Scotland.

The purpose of the funding is to address gaps in the business plan for the prospective technology. The grant can support up to 100% of the direct costs of a project, up to a maximum of £75,000.

Supported activities include, but are not limited to:

  • the appointment of an experienced commercial champion to lead and manage commercial engagement
  • technology de-risking through prototyping
  • investor engagement
  • market research
  • regulatory assessment
  • intellectual property strategy development

Scottish Enterprise - SMART: Scotland Grant??

Are you a small or medium-sized business seeking to develop a new product, process or service? The?SMART: SCOTLAND grant can support technically focused feasibility studies to help discover if your idea will work in the real world. ?

They can support up to 70% of the eligible costs for a small enterprise and up to 60% of the eligible costs for a medium enterprise. Studies must last between 6 and 18 months, and the maximum grant is £100,000. Feasibility is paid with a third of the grant in an upfront instalment and the rest is quarterly in arrears. ?

You may be eligible if:

  • You’re a small or medium-sized business, university spin-out or an individual
  • You’re based, or planning to set up, in Scotland
  • Your project represents an advance in technological innovation for the UK industry or sector concerned
  • There are technical risks and challenges associated with defining and developing the technology
  • You own, or have rights to use, the intellectual property required to undertake the project
  • You’ll own all intellectual property developed during the project
  • You have the necessary management and technical expertise and resources (either in-house or brought-in) to make the project a success
  • Both the project and the business are financially viable
  • Financial assistance from SMART: SCOTLAND is essential for the project to go ahead

LANTRA - Next Generation Practical Training Fund

This fund aims to support new entrants to farming (less than 5 years) by providing up to £500 per course for skills development and training on the practicalities of agriculture, plus wider business and sustainability skills.? ?

The Next Generation Practical Training Fund offers financial support to those resident in Scotland who are:

  • Newcomers into the agricultural sector
  • Those who would have been unable to undertake training without financial support
  • Those who would have been unable to undertake a (possibly additional) formal qualification.

There is no age limit for applicants to the Next Generation Training Fund as agriculture attracts both mature new entrants and school leavers.

Employer Engagement - Parent Job Creation Scheme: A Lifeline for Parents Re-Entering Employment?

The Parent Job Creation Scheme addresses the employment needs of parents who are currently working. It provides funding for employers willing to create job positions specifically for parents. By funding a 25-hour-per-week role for a duration of six months, the scheme offers parents an essential pathway to regain financial independence and rebuild their careers.?? Whether you are a parent looking to benefit from these schemes or a business seeking support to create jobs or enhance existing positions, reaching out is simple. You can get in touch with the Employer Engagement team at [email protected] to explore how these initiatives can work for you.

Employer Engagement - Job Enhancement Scheme: Elevating Parental Careers

The Job Enhancement Scheme focuses on empowering parents already in the workforce. It offers lifelong learning opportunities, including accredited training, to help parents upskill and remain competitive in their careers. Employers are encouraged to invest in their workforce, with a particular focus on career progression and wage increases for parents.? Whether you are a parent looking to benefit from these schemes or a business seeking support to create jobs or enhance existing positions, reaching out is simple. You can get in touch with the Employer Engagement team at [email protected] to explore how these initiatives can work for you. ?

Green Space Scotland?- Tesco Stronger Starts? Stronger Starts supports thousands of local community projects and good causes across the UK.?The scheme is open to all schools, registered charities and not-for-profit organisations, with priority given to projects that provide food and support to young people. It provides grants of up to £1500 to local projects from across the whole of Scotland. We would encourage all groups and projects that support children and young people with a stronger start in life to apply. Stronger Starts is open to charities and community organisations to apply for a grant of up to £1,500?via an on-line application form. Every three months, three local good causes are selected to be in the blue token customer vote in Tesco stores throughout the UK.

Applications are open to all local good causes, but the fund prioritises projects that support children's food security and health and local store nominated good causes. This is not an exhaustive list and other project ideas also welcomed.

Examples include:

  • School Breakfast clubs
  • Holiday clubs
  • Play areas
  • Food banks
  • Counselling and support services for children
  • Equipment or non-statutory services for nurseries or schools e.g. forest schools, library books
  • Equipment for Brownie, Guide or Scout Groups e.g. camping equipment, badges
  • Services or equipment to support children and young people’s health
  • Equipment/kit for youth sports teams

Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise?- Cybersafe Community Grants? Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise is pleased to announce the availability of a £750 grant for organisations in the region. The grant is specifically designed to support the hosting of Cybersafe outreach events. These events aim to disseminate crucial information related to online safety, covering topics such as creating secure passwords, using 2-factor authentication, identifying and handling scam/phishing emails, and securing laptops and phones. The grant provides an excellent opportunity for organisations to contribute to the community's awareness of cyber risks and resilience. Interested organisations can express their interest by completing the provided form, and SVE will respond promptly.

Historic Environment - Grants Programme Historic Environment Scotland provides a range of grants and funding schemes to organisations developing projects that will benefit Scotland’s historic environment. Funding applications can focus on any aspect of Scotland's historic environment. For example, projects could involve:

  • historic buildings
  • ancient monuments and archaeology
  • designed or cultural landscapes
  • historic gardens
  • heritage skills
  • stories and traditions

Some examples of a typical project or activity are:

  • repair and consolidation works
  • archaeological excavations and research
  • skills and training
  • outreach work
  • interpretation
  • maintenance and management plans
  • community-led regeneration of the historic environment

Clackmannanshire And Stirling Environment Trust - Scottish Landfill Communities Fund? The Trust offers funding to projects through the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund (SLCF). It will consider applications across all types of projects included in the SLCF Objects including: land reclamation, community recycling, public amenities and parks, biodiversity and historic buildings.

Stirling City Heritage Trust - Traditional Building Repair Grant Grants are available for traditional properties within the Stirling City boundary and in Bridge of Allan and Dunblane which are members of the Traditional Buildings Health Check. All owners within a building must be current members of the Traditional Buildings Health Check, and you will need to have had an inspection carried out by our team to assess the condition of your property. At the time of your grant payment, you will need to have a minimum of 3 months left of your membership.

The grant rate is 50% of eligible works up to a maximum of £15,000 per building, per year. So, for example, on a building in shared ownership, that is £15,000 in total for any common repairs which would be divided between Traditional Buildings Health Check members. There is a minimum grant of £2,000 so eligible works must exceed £4,000.

There is a finite amount of grant funding available and funds will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Scottish Enterprise - Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund?***Closes?31 March 2026 The Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund helps Scottish manufacturing companies that wish to pursue business growth by developing low carbon products, processes or services. This may be achieved through pure research and development (R&D), capital investment or environmental aid support.

The National Lottery and Creative Scotland -? Open Fund for Organisations (artistic, creative and cultural)?

Organisations can apply for between £1,000 and £100,000 to support creative activity that lasts up to 18 months.?

The types of activity eligible for funding are:?

  • a specific one-off project or production
  • a period of creative research and development?
  • a longer-term programme of work?

The funding programme can also help organisations to undertake business and organisational development that will:

  • enhance business sustainability through the development of new or more diverse income streams
  • consider broader organisational development costs

The funding programme is open all year round, with no deadlines - organisations can apply at any time.

Scottish Enterprise - Workforce Innovation Voucher scheme

The Workforce Innovation Voucher scheme is between £1,000 and £5,000 which can be used to develop a company’s workforce in partnership with a college or university.

Interface provides support with finding a suitable academic partner who has the right specialist expertise to progress your Research and Development project. Eligible businesses must be:?

  • registered business operating in Scotland
  • a small to medium-sized enterprise (less than 250 employees, turnover less then €50m or a balance sheet less than €43m, as defined by the European Commission) or social enterprise
  • have a novel or pioneering project which will support the development of innovation skills for the business workforce (i.e. supporting direct employees of the business and beyond or developing new services for other organisational workplaces) that will benefit the company, the academic institution and the Scottish economy
  • have a project which cannot be delivered commercially and requires the knowledge and expertise of an academic partner

The Princes Trust - Test My Business Idea Grant

If you've completed the Prince's Trust Explore Enterprise Course, you can apply for a Test My Business Idea grant of up to £500 to help you try a new business idea. The Test My Business Idea grant can be used for a variety of purposes, such as: advertising marketing purchasing stock or equipment building a prototype When you first contact the Trust, you'll be paired with a caseworker who will get to know you and your business idea through some initial induction meetings. You'll complete some documents to get set up in the system, then you can enroll on the Prince's Trust Explore Enterprise Course. The Explore Enterprise Course includes 7 sessions that cover the basics of self-employment, HMRC and finance, pricing and sales, marketing, networking, cashflows, and business plans. Read more about the Explore Enterprise Course.

Scottish Enterprise - Regional Selective Assistance Funding RSA funding is designed to support projects that will help create jobs and a greener economy. If your company is in need of at least £100,000 in grant funding, check your eligibility and start the application process today.

Scottish Enterprise - Scottish Land Fund

The Scottish Land Fund supports rural and urban communities to become more resilient and sustainable through the ownership and management of land and land assets.

The fund offers grants of between £5,000 and £1 million to help communities take ownership of the land and buildings that matter to them, as well as practical support to develop their aspirations into viable projects.

It is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered in partnership with The National Lottery Community Fund and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

Scottish Enterprise -?SMART: SCOTLAND Grant This is a research and development (R&D) grant for small and medium-sized businesses that aims to support high risk, highly ambitious projects. It covers conducting feasibility studies to show how ideas could work in the real world and supports activities that have a commercial endpoint.

Falkirk Council - Various Funding? Falkirk Council recognises that Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected most businesses in some way. There are various funding options for those based in the Falkirk Council area.?

  1. Business Resilience Fund
  2. Digital Development Fund
  3. Business Restart Loan
  4. Business Loans Scotland
  5. Recovery Loan Scheme
  6. Employer Recruitment Incentive Fund
  7. Environmental Improvement Fund
  8. Energy Efficiency Fund
  9. Expert Help - Support to help your business succeed
  10. Low Carbon Advisory Service

Fife Council - SME Development Grant?***Deadline 31 Jan 2025

Fife Council’s SME Development Grant provides financial support to help Fife-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop and grow. The fund provides small non-repayable grants to help with costs in 6 eligible areas:

  • trade development
  • workforce upskilling
  • transition to net zero
  • research and development (R&D) and innovation support
  • agriculture business diversification
  • support for studies

Screen Scotland -?Funding

Screen Scotland is aiming to support the?growth of the screen sector through increased funding and support for film and television production, an increase in specialist staff and further investment in skills, festivals, audiences and education. Open funds include:?

Join The?Community.

Forth Valley Business - Facebook Group

This group has been created by STEP to provide a platform for like-minded individuals, groups and businesses in Stirling to support each other.

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Central Scotland Employers - Facebook Group

The Central Scotland Employers Club is an online and offline Employers' forum for members to discuss and find solutions to challenges regularly faced by employers.

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Rural Stirling?Business - Facebook Group

This group has been created by STEP to provide a platform for like-minded individuals, groups and businesses in Rural Stirling to interact, network and support each other.

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Forth Valley Jobs - Facebook Group

This group has been created by STEP to provide a platform for business owners and job seekers to connect and support employment in the area.

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