Welcome to this round up of the latest free support for your business.
Business Support.
Promote Your Business:?We're planning issue 21 of TALK...and we'd love to hear from you!
Let us know your news and we will include it in our local news section of TALK. ?News must not be promotional and space will be given on a first come first serve basis.? ?
If you're looking to promote a specific product/service then why not consider taking out an advert?? ?
With a readership of approximately 9,000, the magazine is a great way to raise your company profile. If you would like to submit news get in touch?here.?
Business Gateway Stirling -?Meet Our Advisers 1-2-1 Appointments
These one-to-one meetings are an opportunity for businesses based in and around Stirling to discuss their business with a Business Adviser.
Aberfoyle: Mon 27 May? Bannockburn: Thurs 30 May Callander: Thurs?6 June City Centre: Tues 18 June Cowie:?Thurs 30 May Drymen: Fri 7 June Killin: Fri 24 May
These one-on-one virtual meetings offer employers a great chance to chat with an HR expert and gain valuable insights. During this half-hour session, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your specific HR concerns and questions with our expert and gain personalised advice and guidance.
Appointment Dates:
STEP - Autumn ILM Dates?Released
We have released our ILM coaching and mentoring Autumn course dates.Our ILM coaching courses and qualifications are designed to help not only team leaders, and first-line managers, but anyone with coaching and mentoring responsibilities, senior leaders, and HR professionals. An ILM qualification can also add an accredited professional qualification to give a coaching business a boost.
Autumn 2024
21 Aug
18 Sept
23 Oct
20 Nov
11 Dec
Accredited ILM coaching courses:
Certificate Level 5 in Effective Coaching and Mentoring
Diploma Level 5 in Effective Coaching and Mentoring
Certificate Level 7 for Executive and Senior Level Coaches and Mentors
Diploma Level 7 for Executive and Senior Level Coaches and Mentors
If you are interested in booking or have any questions please email [email protected]
One of the problem areas that SVE members have discussed?over the years is the difficulties that they have with their bank accounts. The problems range from having to travel some distance to “hand in” identification documents to comply with Anti – money laundering rules, to attempting to change signatories on the bank with organisations having to complete paperwork several times as it has gone “missing” within the banking system. All this is a time when other areas of finance, including other departments within the banks, have embraced digital technology to enable systems to assists their customers.?The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) along with their UK counterparts have been monitoring this over the years and have been working with the Banking Regulators and other professional banking bodies to address some of these points.? In?November 2023 they issued a letter? representing? their? collective concerns and highlighting pressing issues faced by charitable organisations in their interactions with banking services.?
To help gather evidence for their meetings they have regularly surveyed the sector and this is now time for another, so to assist OSCR and other third sector parties, such as SVE as part of the TSI Network, to advocate for better banking service for the voluntary sector, it would be really helpful if you could take some time to share your experiences and complete the National Survey.?
Stirling Council - Stirling 900 Tag
Stirling Council have created instructions for businesses to be able to add the Stirling 900 tag to their event listings with Data Thistle. A new main category tag for all events relating to the celebration of Stirling’s 900 anniversary as a burgh. Using this feature will allow your event listing to appear on the Stirling 900 page of the Your Stirling website. The process for adding this tag is as simple as clicking a button.?
If you are nominated or win an award we can help spread the word - let us know at [email protected].?
2024 Inspire Volunteer Awards
The Inspire Volunteering Awards, scheduled to take place at the Albert Halls on the 18th of September 2024, aims to recognise and celebrate the unsung heroes of our community - the local volunteers and the organisations that support them. By shining a spotlight on their selfless contributions, it not only acknowledges their dedication but also inspires others to get involved, fostering a culture of giving back within our community.
This year, as Stirling commemorates its 900th anniversary, the Inspire Volunteering Awards hold special significance, celebrating not only its rich history but also the vibrant spirit of community engagement that has shaped it over the centuries.
They offer different levels of sponsorship, providing flexibility to align with an organisation's goals and values. Whether one chooses to sponsor a specific named award or support the overall event, their involvement will demonstrate their organisation's commitment to making a tangible difference in the local community.
To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact Natalie Masterson at [email protected].
The VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards celebrate businesses that set the bar for others, recognising innovative and ambitious environmental action.Categories include the Vision in Business Scotland Award with subcategories for large, medium, small, and new businesses.???There are also categories for:?
Applications for VIBES 2024 close on 31st May 2024 at 5pm.?The VIBES Award Ceremony will be?taking place in November 2024.
Last year, the BWS Top 100 Women in Business Awards were launched, marking the beginning of an incredible journey. The organisers were amazed by the sheer talent and determination displayed by women in business across Scotland.
Now, it's time to shine the spotlight once again! Nominations for the BWS Top 100 Awards will be opening in May! Whether individuals are trailblazing businesswomen themselves or they know someone deserving of recognition, it's easy to get involved. Nominate yourself or a fellow businesswoman, and let's celebrate the outstanding achievements together!
The esteemed judges will meticulously curate the Top 100, followed by the selection of a final 10 and the ultimate winner. Last year, the organisers were thrilled to crown Marie Macklin and Suzie McCafferty from Platinum Wave as joint winners!
Save the date! The awards ceremony is scheduled to take place on 22nd November at the Grand Central Hotel Glasgow.
Tickets are on sale now! Join for an afternoon filled with inspiration, celebration, and of course, a touch of fun!
Business Support Events.
BreakfastBuzz - Breakfastbuzz?Networking?
14 May 09.00 - 10.30 | The Klondyke Garden Centre Coffee Shop, Falkirk
This event provides an opportunity for networking in a relaxed friendly atmosphere with lots of buzz. No booking, No fees and?No Membership.
Business Gateway - Video Production For Digital Marketing
14 May 10.00 - 12.00 | Online
Discover why the use of video helps people find your brand or website and how this kind of content has become a powerful way to engage with your audience.
15 May 09.30 - 12.30 | Killin Sports Pavilion?
This event is for Stirling based businesses who would like to set up a website for their business and develop an online presence.
21 May 10.00 - 11.30 | Online
Come along to this learning session led by GrowBiz Marketing Coordinator, Abi Shepherd, to learn how you can benefit from understanding this often under-utilised tool to analyse your content performance, plan and schedule content on both Instagram and Facebook, and create simple ads.
Business Gateway - Social Media Essentials: Instagram
21 May 14.00 - 16.00 | Online
Find out how to use the world’s most popular image sharing app, Instagram, for your business benefit.
23 May 09.30 - 12.30 | Cowie Community Hub (Library)
This event is for Stirling based businesses who would like to set up a website for their business and develop an online presence.
University of Stirling - Help to Grow: Management Course - Information Session
28 May 10.00 - 11.00 | Online
Learn the benefits of participating in the Help to Grow: Management Course – a 90% funded delivery, designed for SME senior managers.
14 June 08.30 - 09.30 | STEP, Stirling Enterprise Park
Join us for a relaxed morning of networking and a complimentary breakfast at the InBusiness Breakfast and Networking event.
Stirling Council - Stirling Viewforth Development Framework and Planning Guide??***Closes 14 June 2024
A public consultation that will help shape future developments at the Viewforth and Burghmuir Road areas of Stirling has now gone live. The new draft framework and planning brief for Viewforth and Burghmuir covers a key area of the city centre that includes the Viewforth site, existing council buildings, Linden Avenue Car Park, the site of the former Wellgreen care home, vacant commercial land at the rear of Waitrose and land along Burghmuir Road.
Stirling Council - Stirling Forthside Design Guide?***Closes 28 June 2024
Stirling Council are seeking your views on their Design Guide for the?development in the Forthside area.
The Forthside area of Stirling provides a unique opportunity to harness city region strategies which seek to deliver economic, social and environmental improvements and apply them to a focused area of the city.
The Forthside development will enable the city centre to extend towards the riverfront, it will improve sustainable connectivity, provide a successful, well defined public square and activate the area by providing new homes and workplaces, delivered in line with the Scottish Government’s net zero targets.
Scottish Government -?Disclosure Scotland fees: discounting, waivers and accredited bodies consultation ***Closes 28 May 2024
This consultation seeks views to enable Scottish Government to consider fee discounts for certain groups applying for Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme membership disclosures and views on the fees applied to organisations acting as accredited bodies.
Disclosure Scotland’s fees and fee structure have not changed since 2011. Work is ongoing to ensure fees are set at a level which balances affordability for customers against the cost of delivering disclosures.
While this consultation does set out some proposed fee levels, its focus is on gathering more evidence on Disclosure Scotland's approach to fees in certain circumstances to help develop policy approach to fees.
Stirling Council -?Community Grants Programme Re-opens The Community Development Team is pleased to announce that Stirling Council’s community grants programme has now re-opened. The programme was reduced earlier this year with a 50% cut during the tough budget setting with difficult decisions to be made. As a result we had to review the grants criteria and make changes, the key headlines are:?
For full details of our community grants programme please visit the Council Community Grants pages here
Stirling Council - Community Grants Scheme ***Closes 28 May 2024
Funds are given for a variety of projects which benefits residents within the Stirling Council area and help to develop vibrant, resilient communities.?
The Community Grant Scheme supports projects which benefit residents within Stirling Council area, whether within a single community or widely across Stirling Council area, or which benefit communities of interest (including hobby/sports groups). Projects must meet Stirling Council priorities, a list of which can be found in the fund guidance notes.?
The funds must be spent within 12 months of award and will pay for a wide range of projects including:
Who can apply:
Stirling Council - Community Pride Fund ***Closes 28 May 2024
Funds local projects delivered for the benefit of single geographic communities in the Stirling Council area. Projects can include physical infrastructure and environmental improvements as well as activity promoting community spirit. Examples include; improvements to existing facilities such as structures, benches and fencing; sustainable floral displays; recycling facilities; spring cleans; activity that promotes your community or fosters community spirit.? Who can apply The following organisations if their annual income is less than £200,000:
Forth Valley & Lomond CLLD - Community Led Local Development 2024/25 Programme?***Closes 17 May 2025
Funding of £5,000 to £30,000 for both revenue and capital projects which must be completed by 15 February 2025. Applications are invited from community groups and local businesses based in rural Stirling, Clackmannanshire and West Dunbartonshire proposing to deliver a project which meets one or more of the following priorities:
Submit your Expression asap to discuss your project with the CLLD Project Officer.
Firstport - Social Innovation Challenge
The Social Innovation Challenge is a grant-funding and support programme that seeks innovative solutions to the most pressing challenges of our times.
The Social Innovation Challenge is open to ideas at any stage of development, as long as they are new or different to what’s already taking place in their area.
The winner can use the funding to help with start-up fees, research and development, salaries and other essential costs, such as rent or buying critical equipment.
They are looking for applications that can show:
Firstport - Build It? ?***Closes 27 June 2024
A Build It award is for social enterprises with a track record of trading and social impact and that need salaried positions to take the business to the next level of financial sustainability. Typical requests are:
Firstport - Start It
A Start It award is designed to help new social entrepreneurs pay for start-up costs up to £5,000. These costs vary, but typical examples include:
Firstport - Pounds for Purpose?
Pounds for Purpose can you help cover the costs of getting your idea up and running up to £500. Costs can include hiring a venue, producing promotional materials, or insurance, amongst others. It all depends on what your idea is about. To be eligible, you must be an individual aged 18-26, seeking to make a positive change in the issues that matter to them. Open year round.
Scottish Government - Techstart Ventures Equity Finance
This funding includes Techstart Ventures Equity Finance, which is managed by Techstart Ventures on behalf of the Scottish Government. It provides equity finance of up to £2 million, in rounds of up to £10 million, for eligible businesses.
The equity funding can be used for a variety of purposes, including:
Techstart Ventures invests principally in early stage startups and SMEs who are developing innovative new products with high growth and export potential. To be eligible for equity financing of up to £2 million from Techstart Ventures Equity Finance, businesses must:
Techstart Ventures Equity Finance is not sector-specific and businesses in a variety of sectors have already been supported under the fund, though certain sectors may be restricted.
Clackmannanshire Council - Clackmannanshire & Stirling Environmental Trust
The Trust manages landfill community fund credits raised through the land-filling of municipal waste from both Stirling and Clackmannanshire Councils and in the past successful projects have included improvements to play areas, community halls, historic and religious buildings and local woodlands. Projects aimed at conserving or improving native biodiversity have also received support.For more information, application pack or advice, contact the trust at?[email protected]
Scottish Government - Foresight Scottish Growth Fund
The Scottish Growth Scheme is a package of financial support of up to £500 million for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Scotland. Backed by the Scottish Government, it aims to help businesses grow.
This funding includes the Foresight Scottish Growth Fund, which is managed by the Foresight Group on behalf of the Scottish Government. It provides equity finance of up to £2 million in rounds of up to £10 million for eligible businesses.
This equity funding can be used for a variety of purposes, including:
Scottish Enterprise - High-Growth Spinout Programme
The High-Growth Spinout Programme (HGSP) provides funding to support the commercialisation of advanced technologies developed at Scotland's universities, research institutes and NHS boards. The objective is to create new high-growth companies with the potential to generate significant economic impact in Scotland.
The purpose of the funding is to address gaps in the business plan for the prospective technology. The grant can support up to 100% of the direct costs of a project, up to a maximum of £75,000.
Supported activities include, but are not limited to:
Scottish Enterprise - Green Heat Innovation Support Programme?***Closes March 2026
The GHISP supports innovation and capital investment that will accelerate the roll out and adoption of green heating solutions and associated products.
It's about encouraging the growth of Scotland’s green heat market and helping projects in areas such as:
Scottish Enterprise - SMART: Scotland Grant??
Are you a small or medium-sized business seeking to develop a new product, process or service? The?SMART: SCOTLAND grant can support technically focused feasibility studies to help discover if your idea will work in the real world. ?
They can support up to 70% of the eligible costs for a small enterprise and up to 60% of the eligible costs for a medium enterprise. Studies must last between 6 and 18 months, and the maximum grant is £100,000. Feasibility is paid with a third of the grant in an upfront instalment and the rest is quarterly in arrears. ?
You may be eligible if:
This fund aims to support new entrants to farming (less than 5 years) by providing up to £500 per course for skills development and training on the practicalities of agriculture, plus wider business and sustainability skills.? ?
The Next Generation Practical Training Fund offers financial support to those resident in Scotland who are:
There is no age limit for applicants to the Next Generation Training Fund as agriculture attracts both mature new entrants and school leavers.
Employer Engagement - Parent Job Creation Scheme: A Lifeline for Parents Re-Entering Employment?
The Parent Job Creation Scheme addresses the employment needs of parents who are currently working. It provides funding for employers willing to create job positions specifically for parents. By funding a 25-hour-per-week role for a duration of six months, the scheme offers parents an essential pathway to regain financial independence and rebuild their careers.??
Whether you are a parent looking to benefit from these schemes or a business seeking support to create jobs or enhance existing positions, reaching out is simple. You can get in touch with the Employer Engagement team at [email protected] to explore how these initiatives can work for you.
Employer Engagement - Job Enhancement Scheme: Elevating Parental Careers
The Job Enhancement Scheme focuses on empowering parents already in the workforce. It offers lifelong learning opportunities, including accredited training, to help parents upskill and remain competitive in their careers. Employers are encouraged to invest in their workforce, with a particular focus on career progression and wage increases for parents.?
Whether you are a parent looking to benefit from these schemes or a business seeking support to create jobs or enhance existing positions, reaching out is simple. You can get in touch with the Employer Engagement team at [email protected] to explore how these initiatives can work for you.
The University of Stirling -?Help to Grow: Management Course
This 12-week course is designed to be taken alongside full-time work through a combination of online sessions, face-to-face learning, peer support and mentoring.?The course is targeted at senior SME managers seeking to boost their business’s performance, resilience and long-term growth.? The cost to attend is 90% funded by the UK Government (company contribution of £750).
Green Space Scotland?- Tesco Stronger Starts?
Stronger Starts supports thousands of local community projects and good causes across the UK.?The scheme is open to all schools, registered charities and not-for-profit organisations, with priority given to projects that provide food and support to young people. It provides grants of up to £1500 to local projects from across the whole of Scotland. We would encourage all groups and projects that support children and young people with a stronger start in life to apply.Stronger Starts is open to charities and community organisations to apply for a grant of up to £1,500?via an on-line application form. Every three months, three local good causes are selected to be in the blue token customer vote in Tesco stores throughout the UK.
Applications are open to all local good causes, but the fund prioritises projects that support children's food security and health and local store nominated good causes. This is not an exhaustive list and other project ideas also welcomed.
Examples include:
Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise?- Cybersafe Community Grants?
Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise is pleased to announce the availability of a £750 grant for organisations in the region. The grant is specifically designed to support the hosting of Cybersafe outreach events. These events aim to disseminate crucial information related to online safety, covering topics such as creating secure passwords, using 2-factor authentication, identifying and handling scam/phishing emails, and securing laptops and phones. The grant provides an excellent opportunity for organisations to contribute to the community's awareness of cyber risks and resilience. Interested organisations can express their interest by completing the provided form, and SVE will respond promptly.
Historic Environment - Grants Programme
Historic Environment Scotland provides a range of grants and funding schemes to organisations developing projects that will benefit Scotland’s historic environment.Funding applications can focus on any aspect of Scotland's historic environment. For example, projects could involve:
Some examples of a typical project or activity are:
The Robertson Trust - Community Vehicle Grants?***Closes 31 May 2024
Capital funding for a vehicle to support the work of charities with an annual income of between £25,000 and £2 million.
UK Government - Workplace Charging Scheme?***Closes 31 March 2025
The WCS is open to businesses, charities and public sector organisations that meet the applicant and site eligibility criteria.The grant covers up to 75% of the total costs of the purchase and installation of EV chargepoints (inclusive of VAT), capped at a maximum of:
Clackmannanshire And Stirling Environment Trust - Scottish Landfill Communities Fund?
The Trust offers funding to projects through the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund (SLCF). It will consider applications across all types of projects included in the SLCF Objects including: land reclamation, community recycling, public amenities and parks, biodiversity and historic buildings.
Stirling City Heritage Trust - Traditional Building Repair Grant
Grants are available for traditional properties within the Stirling City boundary and in Bridge of Allan and Dunblane which are members of the Traditional Buildings Health Check.All owners within a building must be current members of the Traditional Buildings Health Check, and you will need to have had an inspection carried out by our team to assess the condition of your property. At the time of your grant payment, you will need to have a minimum of 3 months left of your membership.
The grant rate is 50% of eligible works up to a maximum of £15,000 per building, per year. So, for example, on a building in shared ownership, that is £15,000 in total for any common repairs which would be divided between Traditional Buildings Health Check members. There is a minimum grant of £2,000 so eligible works must exceed £4,000.
There is a finite amount of grant funding available and funds will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Scottish Enterprise - Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund?***Closes?31 March 2026
The Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge Fund helps Scottish manufacturing companies that wish to pursue business growth by developing low carbon products, processes or services. This may be achieved through pure research and development (R&D), capital investment or environmental aid support.
The National Lottery and Creative Scotland -? Open Fund for Organisations (artistic, creative and cultural)?
Organisations can apply for between £1,000 and £100,000 to support creative activity that lasts up to 18 months.?
The types of activity eligible for funding are:?
The funding programme can also help organisations to undertake business and organisational development that will:
The funding programme is open all year round, with no deadlines - organisations can apply at any time.
Scottish Enterprise - Workforce Innovation Voucher scheme
The Workforce Innovation Voucher scheme is between £1,000 and £5,000 which can be used to develop a company’s workforce in partnership with a college or university.
Interface provides support with finding a suitable academic partner who has the right specialist expertise to progress your Research and Development project. Eligible businesses must be:?
The Princes Trust - Test My Business Idea Grant
If you've completed the Prince's Trust Explore Enterprise Course, you can apply for a Test My Business Idea grant of up to £500 to help you try a new business idea. The Test My Business Idea grant can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:
purchasing stock or equipment
building a prototype
When you first contact the Trust, you'll be paired with a caseworker who will get to know you and your business idea through some initial induction meetings. You'll complete some documents to get set up in the system, then you can enroll on the Prince's Trust Explore Enterprise Course.
The Explore Enterprise Course includes 7 sessions that cover the basics of self-employment, HMRC and finance, pricing and sales, marketing, networking, cashflows, and business plans. Read more about the Explore Enterprise Course.
Scottish Enterprise - Regional Selective Assistance Funding
RSA funding is designed to support projects that will help create jobs and a greener economy. If your company is in need of at least £100,000 in grant funding, check your eligibility and start the application process today.
Scottish Enterprise - Scottish Land Fund
The Scottish Land Fund supports rural and urban communities to become more resilient and sustainable through the ownership and management of land and land assets.
The fund offers grants of between £5,000 and £1 million to help communities take ownership of the land and buildings that matter to them, as well as practical support to develop their aspirations into viable projects.
It is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered in partnership with The National Lottery Community Fund and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Scottish Enterprise -?SMART: SCOTLAND Grant
This is a research and development (R&D) grant for small and medium-sized businesses that aims to support high risk, highly ambitious projects. It covers conducting feasibility studies to show how ideas could work in the real world and supports activities that have a commercial endpoint.
Falkirk Council - Various Funding?Falkirk Council recognises that Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected most businesses in some way. There are various funding options for those based in the Falkirk Council area.?
Fife Council - SME Development Grant?***Deadline 31 Jan 2025
Fife Council’s SME Development Grant provides financial support to help Fife-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop and grow.The fund provides small non-repayable grants to help with costs in 6 eligible areas:
Screen Scotland -?Funding
Screen Scotland is aiming to support the?growth of the screen sector through increased funding and support for film and television production, an increase in specialist staff and further investment in skills, festivals, audiences and education. Open funds include:?
Join The?Community.
Forth Valley Business - Facebook Group
This group has been created by STEP to provide a platform for like-minded individuals, groups and businesses in Stirling to support each other.
Central Scotland Employers - Facebook Group
The Central Scotland Employers Club is an online and offline Employers' forum for members to discuss and find solutions to challenges regularly faced by employers.
Rural Stirling?Business - Facebook Group
This group has been created by STEP to provide a platform for like-minded individuals, groups and businesses in Rural Stirling to interact, network and support each other.
Forth Valley Jobs - Facebook Group
This group has been created by STEP to provide a platform for business owners and job seekers to connect and support employment in the area.