

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2024. As we look forward to our 3rd anniversary, we are excited to see what 2024 brings. We have welcomed new employees as we look to continue our growth. A new website is in the pipeline and our E-Manager portal, providing easy access to your energy data, is also being improved. This will include monthly detailed usage reports for those customers who require them.

Created by energy experts who understand the management challenges businesses face, our commitment is clear, reduce costs and improve efficiencies in all areas of supply as well as offer many supplementary services that are essential to the running of every business.

Monthly News - Energy Costs

Ask any business energy consumer about electricity and gas prices, and they are likely to agree they are already paying too much.

While we might currently be benefitting from a cheaper commodity element compared to the eye-watering highs we’ve seen over the past two years, the sizeable non-commodity elements are still adding a hefty chunk to final invoices.

And now, with the funding of new low-carbon generation and net-zero technologies, there are even more policy-related charges planned, which could add as much as £3 per megawatt hour (MWh) to energy costs over the next few years.

These are to specifically support the building of new nuclear generation and the development of green hydrogen and carbon capture technologies as well as to create funding for additional exemptions on Energy Intensive Industries.

There are four potential charges in the scope:

  • Nuclear Regulated Asset Base
  • Hydrogen levy scheme
  • Subsidy to support energy intensive industries
  • Carbon capture Study

Whilst the exact costs and timescales for the above charges are still to be confirmed, the bottom line is that your energy invoices are set to increase.

Notwithstanding the above, we understand how challenging the energy market has been and still is for many.

Are all your business services active?

Contact your account manager to confirm all your business services are active on your Reduce My Bills Subscription. Remember, we do the hard work so you don’t have to!

Our customer service team are always eager to hear from you with feedback on how we can support you better.

Tel: 0333 090 2005 or Email: [email protected]

Visit the Reduce My Bills Website


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