Welcome to Paradise!
Patrick Casale
Insurance Broker contracted around the United States offering health insurance coverage. I specialize in helping Small to Large Businesses attain quality affordable health insurance for their employees.
With all the craziness on the Beltway you have to wonder if and when they will ever really understand how to solve our health insurance crisis!
We listen to Rand Paul discuss healthcare savings accounts as though this is the greatest option available for all Americans. He claims people will be able to shop around for the best care to fit their budgets.
So you see a physician and you find out you have cancer and now it's time to shop for the best medical deals?
You have heard me say on many occasions they don't understand insurance on the Beltway....this proves my point!
The other real issue in Washington is healthcare and health insurance are not one in the same! Insurance is a mathematical principal that uses logic and experience to determine a premium. Healthcare is eating right, working out and taking the right vitamins.
Until they understand the difference and how to deliver these separately we will never see Paradise. We need to grab these leaders and teach them the difference.