Welcome to our Spring Newsletter May 2024

Welcome to our Spring Newsletter May 2024

In the last newsletter, we mentioned that our revised strategy would soon be available on the website. If you haven’t yet seen it, do go to? https://jonathansvoice.org.uk/about and take a look.

Our Annual Report

We also have now completed our Annual Report to the Charity Commission. It reflects the good progress that has been made. This is made possible due to the generosity of our donors, fundraisers and their sponsors and the commitment of all the Jonathan’s Voice team. Thank you. For every £1 raised, 88% was spent on charitable activities. You can read the full report here

Connecting with the Intellectual Property (IP) community .. and beyond

Penelope Aspinall, our mental health consultant and our other trainers have continued to give talks to organisations which are always well received. Penny gave a presentation at the CITMA (Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys) conference and also at the CIPA (Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys) Student Conference. At both events, Jonathan’s Voice had an exhibitor’s stand to showcase our resources and engage with delegates. Our joint webinars with IP Inclusive continue and take place about every month with an average audience of about 50. The most recent was a fascinating discussion about The Power of Reverse Mentoring.

You can listen to it and other webinars here.

Penny and Graham were interviewed for an article on the mental health and wellbeing of post graduate researchers in STEM subjects for an edition of Materials World published by the Institute of Materials.?

See our guide for this group?here

Penny wrote some excellent practical tips about dealing with Procrastination for the CITMA Review. Listen to the very accessible webinar about this subject on our media page.

Update from Susie Bennett April 2024

Susie writes "The last few months have been spent creating public guides of our research findings so that as many people as possible can access what we've found. From the PhD research conducted, we have had 3 papers published, including a systematic review of two decades of male suicide research, a paper on men's barriers to accessing professional support, and also developed an agenda of priorities for male suicide research.?

I also submitted evidence to the Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiry into male suicide and was invited to give a seminar as part of the Karolinska Institutet “Suicide Seminar” series, link to watch below.?I am proud of the work produced and grateful for the support and belief of the team at Jonathan's Voice and supporters in recognising the importance of this work and backing it.”Congratulations to Susie on being awarded her PhD at the end of last year and on the publication of her papers. The public guides will shortly be generally available. Watch this space!

Watch the seminar here


In February CITMA (Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys) held their annual charity quiz which raised £2830.70. The victorious team, with a perfect score, was from the patent and trade mark firm Abel & Imray. We were delighted that half that amount was donated to Jonathan’s Voice, the winning team’s chosen charity. GJE? (Gill, Jennings and Every) raised the great sum of £417.50 as a result of the raffle held to mark the opening of their new building.

Thanks also to the managing committee for having matched that amount – a grand total of £835. Trevelyan College, Durham where Jonathan studied, donated the proceeds of their Charity Ball to Jonathan’s Voice for a second year running. They raised £665.

It is pleasing that Jonathan’s former college continues to remember him. We are very grateful to all our fundraisers and donors. If you would like to support Jonathan’s Voice through running, baking or any other event, please do get in touch [email protected]?

National Suicide Prevention Alliance Annual Conference 2024

Two of Jonathan’s Voice mental health trainers attended this conference in January. A major focus of the conference was the Government’s Suicide Prevention Strategy for England, launched in September 2023. Speakers included Prof. Sir Louis Appleby (Chair of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group) and Maria Caulfield MP, Minister for Mental Health?

The rest of the programme contained a range of presentations and workshops, showcasing innovative projects taking place in community, NHS and voluntary sector settings to engage with and support those affected by suicide. It was a packed and lively day, enabling delegates to extend their knowledge, make connections and explore opportunities for collaboration. Several presenters indicated that with the NHS facing unprecedented demand for mental health services, preventative initiatives and resource material offered by charity organisations are of increasing importance. This underlines the importance of the work that Jonathan’s Voice continues to do.

Coming up in the next few months

Three Peaks Challenge July 26 2024

Past and present research students from the Centre for Formulation Engineering at the University of Birmingham, Georgina Wadsley, Roshan Lal, Pablo del Pozo Lorenzale and David Burgess, are taking part in the 3 Peaks Challenge (climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in under 24 hours!!!) to raise money for Jonathan’s Voice. This is an amazing challenge. Please support them if you can.

Support the Three Peaks Challange Here

Men’s Mental Health Event June 5th in London and online

Fostering openness: men’s mental wellbeing” is the second late afternoon event organised jointly by ourselves and IP Inclusive. James McFarlane, an IP solicitor based in Scotland, will be the main speaker. For further details about the event and how to register click the button below? ?

Find out more about the Mens Health Event here

Digital Guide for paralegals and business support staff

Look out for our audio recordings of this guide which are coming shortly

Digital Guides

Mental Health Awareness Week May 13th – 19th

On Thursday, May 16th, Dr Sally Rose will be leading a webinar on Mindfulness. This is a joint event with IP Inclusive. All supporters are welcome. More information and to sign up.

Mindfulness Webinar

If you would like a speaker for any events during Mental Health Awareness Week, or at another time, please get in touch. Take a look at what we can offer or email [email protected]


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