Welcome to the New Professional Language Newsletter
Welcome to this first edition of the New Professional Language Newsletter from Synergetics Education.
Synergetics is the science of systems in transformation, and we create hundreds of language masterclasses each year by synergizing language, content, and learning design.
Our clients love language but don't have time. We take the time to make sure every word, phrase or sentence we teach helps them in their careers as well as to enjoy the beauty and diversity of using language.
Language is always changing. Humans and machines are constantly creating new and adapting existing language alongside the need for people to deal practically with new norms and concepts within each professional environment.
Each month we'll share some interesting new language and ways working with language in changing times, embeded into "insights" and "stories".
We'll focus on what is relevant to professionals on international, diverse teams and use fun, interesting examples to spur thinking and reflection while covering contemporary concepts and offering practical language tips across professions.
Why not use our first newsletter to tackle the ways professionals can use the new language kid on the block, your artificial intelligence "co-pilot."
Insights: 5 Key Concepts to Maximize Your Use of ChatGPT
To ensure you make the most out of your interactions with ChatGPT, here are five key concepts that will help you maximize your experience and achieve optimal results:
Examples: Introduction to Legal Writing with ChatGPT
If you're a Synergetics Education client or subscriber, we provide you with relevant insights key to your professional use of language. This month, we highlight ChatGPT and other AI language models with a free training found at the links below. And don't forget to subscribe!
Article 9 minutes: https://www.dhirubhai.net/feed/update/urn:li:linkedInArticle:7043914166931271682/
Interactive 30 minute Webinar: