Welcome to a New Era of Transparency!

Welcome to a New Era of Transparency!

Just two weeks in and our newsletter has gained incredible momentum: we've reached over 700 subscribers in no time! Thank you to all who trust us and what we do. The Green Dossier is more than just a newsletter; it's a source you can rely on for unfiltered truth. We don't shy away from exposing companies for greenwashing, even if it makes them mad. We bring you proof and corroborated evidence showing how some leverage sustainability claims to look good while hiding their true actions. In addition, we have noticed many Italian subscribers and therefore we'll include some articles in the newsletter in Italian, tailored specifically for our Italian audience! The incredible number of subscribers we've gained after our first release shows us that people are genuinely interested in receiving the truth about sustainability. That's what matters to us. We've also expanded, with a few new contributors whose valuable articles you will see from the next edition.

Recently, we’ve come across various apps, organizations, and groups aiming to boycott certain countries (like Israel) or companies (like 联合利华 ). Boycotts often stem from unfair wars, but our mission isn't to organize boycotts. Instead, we aim to highlight companies that deceive consumers with false sustainability claims, so our readers can make informed decisions about their purchases.

Your appreciation keeps us going! Now, compliments aside, it's time to dive into the real action!

Why Sustainability Jargon Keeps Us in the Dark

Sustainability is a really complicated world. When someone dives into its intricacies, they often don't understand anything. Scope 1, 2, 3, carbon emissions, carbon reduction, accountability, green reporting, confusing frameworks, green certifications—the list goes on and on. Why do we need all this jargon? The planet is where we all live, making everyone a stakeholder, and we can't expect everyone to have a degree in sustainability.

You might be thinking, "Hey, this guy is right," and if you connect the dots, you might wonder, "Do companies and organizations use all this jargon to keep people far away from understanding the real problems?". Empowering people isn't a priority for the big corporates out there; in fact, it's a problem for them. They need people to be sheep, focusing on minor and trivial stuff (like TikTok and social media, where high dopamine is just a tap away without needing to verify anything) in a way that society doesn't pay attention to important facts. Corporates and politicians know this well. It’s not something that pops out of the blue, it’s a strategy that has been sharpened and improved with experience: they run the world because they manipulate the majority. They can convince you of a belief, even if it's wrong, because they have all the tools to plant that idea in your mind.

Unmasking the Truth: How Big Corporations Play the Sustainability Game

They don't want too many original thinkers out there. By saying this, I'm not trying to scare you or point to some grand conspiracy, but this is how it works. And this is why you're reading this newsletter—because you want to open your eyes with The Green Dossier, which has no filter and isn't afraid of spitting out real facts. For instance, we all know 雀巢 , one of the big organizations spread all over the world. In 2018, they released a statement saying they would make their packaging 100% recyclable or reusable by 2025. Today, they are still one of the biggest polluters in terms of plastic packaging. The same goes for 可口可乐公司 ! Even though this is big news, I'm sure you didn't hear about it because the media failed to spread it, for their own interests. However, there are people out there who want to fight this status quo for a healthier planet.

Businesses are driven by the pursuit of profit, not by sustainability. It should be the other way around! When you see a business' social media page boasting about a new certification or green stamp, they're trying to improve their image in the eyes of stakeholders, including you. If you're not well-informed, you might fall for this trick. If you are informed, you know that these initiatives are probably just greenwashing. Sustainability consultants and similar roles within organizations often show never-ending useless PowerPoint presentations to their managers about improving accountability, but they're not bringing real action or actual solutions. They're just making their presentations look nicer and nicer. This is not sustainability in action. Posting LinkedIn or Instagram carousels with pictures of underpaid workers in Colombia smiling while collecting coffee is misleading. These workers remain underpaid and live in poor conditions, despite the happy images shared to please consumers.

Here’s another fact you probably didn’t consider so far: you’re surely reading this newsletter from a laptop or a smartphone. Ever wondered where the chips and materials to make these technological devices come from? Check out this article by Brian Merchant ; it will open your eyes. Of course, we want progress in humanity, but we can achieve it in better ways, without exploiting and oppressing poor communities in undervalued countries. If businesses would consider lowering their margins and sharing their profits within the communities they operate in, it would be fairer. But many just give a very small piece of the cake rather than offering a bigger portion of their profits.

For Italian Audience - La Sfida dell'Inefficienza Italiana nella Sostenibilità

Vi siete mai chiesti come funzioni l’estrazione del famoso marmo di Carrara? Riconosciuto in tutto il mondo per il suo altissimo prestigio, il marmo di Carrara è la rappresentazione ideale della mentalità e della lentezza burocratica italiana. Per farla breve, le cave del marmo di Carrara – situate nelle Alpi Apuane – sono proprietà degli imprenditori, e non della comunità che vi abita intorno. Gli imprenditori, grazie a un editto del 1750 di una duchessa, hanno in concessione perpetua queste cave, da cui estraggono marmo a loro piacimento per rivenderlo in giro per il mondo a prezzi esorbitanti. Ora, figuriamoci se la duchessa Maria Teresa Malaspina nel 1750 conoscesse i concetti di esternalità, fallimenti di mercato o il teorema di Coase, ma nel 2024 non possiamo andare avanti con un editto del 1750. Questi imprenditori si riempiono le tasche mentre svuotano le Alpi Apuane, senza condividere nemmeno un pezzetto dei loro utili con la comunità locale. Che assurdità! Questo accade perché questi grandi imprenditori sentono il dovere di riempire le proprie tasche e quelle delle loro famiglie il più possibile, con denaro sporco e arricchendosi alle spalle dei propri concittadini, che in quelle zone ci vivono. Una delle trasmissioni televisive più indipendenti, Report, aveva cercato di fare chiarezza e di portare l’argomento in luce, ma evidentemente i poteri sono troppo forti, e a questo punto possiamo anche ipotizzare il giro di mazzette alla politica per far tacere la situazione.

Spesso e volentieri leggiamo su Econopoly de Il Sole 24 Ore che l’80% delle aziende quotate ha sviluppato un piano di sostenibilità (+32% rispetto al 2020). Inoltre, il 47% delle aziende intervistate ha definito degli obiettivi e azioni di cambiamento climatico incrementando l’uso di energie rinnovabili. Quasi otto aziende su dieci hanno definito un processo di identificazione e gestione delle priorità e dei rischi legati ai cambiamenti climatici. Ma chi verifica che il piano di sostenibilità di queste aziende sia adeguato o correttamente implementato? Quale autorità con una minima conoscenza in ambito di sostenibilità sorveglia e monitora le azioni di queste aziende, che spesso fanno false dichiarazioni? Domande a cui abbiamo solo parzialmente una risposta, poiché chi dovrebbe monitorare queste aziende ha a sua volta interessi verso di esse, traducendosi in un bel tutto inutile e una pacca sulla spalla.

In Italia siamo indietro, di molto. Parliamo ancora di inceneritori di rifiuti (guarda la città di Roma) e creiamo un dibattito intorno a questi fantomatici mostri, mentre città molto più avanzate e sostenibili come Copenaghen hanno da tempo costruito un inceneritore che funge da centro di diverse attività per i suoi cittadini (anche Amager Bakke ha le sue debolezze e pecche). Siamo indietro con la raccolta differenziata, soprattutto al Sud, con l’educazione per eseguire la raccolta differenziata in maniera corretta e specificatamente a implementare un’economia circolare degna di tal nome. Siamo indietro, come lo sono tanti altri paesi europei, quindi nulla da meravigliarsi. Le questioni vengono spesso dirottate: dell’ILVA non si sente più parlare ai telegiornali se non in qualche occasione sporadica, mentre siamo bombardati da notizie frivole e inutili, come i soliti servizi dei telegiornali Italiani interessati sul primo bagno della stagione a Mondello. La distorsione della realtà in Italia è a livelli estremi, ed è per questo che questa newsletter vuole aprire quanti più occhi possibile, per far luce su tutte le problematiche climatiche e ambientali che in Italia vengono sepolte dalla politica, dai media e dall’opinione pubblica.

Finding Hope and Taking Action Together

Despite all the bad news listed above, we must not lose hope. There are still people out there who truly care about the planet and are offering real solutions. In our next release, we will explore new horizons and highlight how certain visionaries and true leaders are paving the way to genuine sustainability.

Remember, you need to open your eyes. Don’t believe everything you’re told, including what you read in this newsletter! Verify all the facts, collect evidence, form your own beliefs, and make informed decisions. You are not a sheep; you don’t need to be commanded by big corporations. You can resist being brainwashed and bombarded by the media and their selective narratives. It’s time to shine and silence those who prioritize their own profits, filling their pockets while ignoring the greater good. We don’t seek a revolution; we want to drive meaningful change for our future. This is about our planet, where we all live. It’s not fair for anyone to destroy it for their own gain.

The time is now. Open your eyes and act!


