Welcome to my Newsletter
?????????????? ???????????? EKWè
Founding President & Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Circle of Business Developers of Africa | CEO DOMINIUM ENTERPRISES LLC | Ambassador for Emerging Africa
I'm Jacques Martin EKWE, The Founding President of Le Cercle des Business Developers d’ Afrique - The Circle of Business Developers of Africa & Cercle des Business Developers - Circle of Business Developers
I support States in their economic development and companies in their international commercial deployment.
My current goal is to contribute to the economic growth of Africa, the companies established there and those wishing to enter this market.
Since January 2023, the organizations that I founded are :
- Raising awareness, inform and support governments and economic operators on the development levers of their respective national economies ;
- Promoting the competitiveness of products/services in international marketplaces ;
- Promoting and defend quality labels for products intended for local and export markets ;
-Organizing and participate in trade fairs in connection with Made In Africa ;
- Playing the role of intermediary for the signing of strategic commercial partnerships ;
- Monitoring relations with international organizations working in the field of International Trade in liaison with the administrations concerned ;
- Negotiating and monitor the implementation of commercial agreements in relation with the Ministries of External Relations ;
We have already established and installed executive offices in the following countries : Cameroon, Gabon, France, Morocco.
Check on our Linkedin Pages to know more about us
Cercle des Business Developer d' Afrique :?https://www.dhirubhai.net/company/cercle-des-business-developer-d%E2%80%99-afrique/
Cercle des Business Developer : :?https://www.dhirubhai.net/company/cercle-des-business-developer/
Best regards !