A welcome move by the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change; A ban on SUP, Single-Use Plastic (F. No B.17011/7/UPC-II-PWM(SUP)/2022)
Dr. Sachin Damle CSP
Manager HSE @ Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd | Expertise in HSE Management, Risk Assessment, Process Safety, Sustainability, Emergency Response, Digital Initiatives, Incident Investigation, Safety Systems, Compliance
Central Pollution Control Board of India has issued a direction on February 01, 2022, to enforce the ban on following Single-Use Plastic items from July 01, 2022;
Earbuds with plastic sticks, plastic sticks for balloons, plastic flags, candy sticks, ice cream sticks, polystyrene (Thermocol) for decoration, plates, cups, glasses, cutlery such as spoons, forks, knives, straw, trays, wrapping or packing films around sweet boxes, invitation cards, cigarette pockets, plastics or PVS banners less than 100 micron and stirrers.
All leaders should motivate this move by enforcing it in their respective organizations.