( by Sébastien Thévenot )
Version 04/01/21
I love this city ( Lyon : you really have to search about, you will see how much it’s a great and nice place, particularly for you ), and you will enjoy it a lot too, when you will be in.
Lyon. Care, when you will search about, to search “Lyon, France “. Lyon is a name used by cities in different countries ( 4 examples in USA & FR ).
It’s the world capital of gastronomy. European capital ( with Helsinki, Finland ) of Smart Tourism, 2016 & 2019. European capitale of best weekends tours ( since 2016 ). In 2020 top 20 of best places to visit in the world by “The National Geographic” magazine.
This is, too, the European city of crimes ( it was, in the past, one of the criminal center of the world ). That’s why scientific police bornt here.
You have here the office of Europol, the European service of police . We have Interpol office too.
That’s why it’s ones of the most safety places in all Europe. And we have special touristic tours only about it for fans !
It’s city of birth of cinema ( thanks to Lumière brothers ). It’s city of Lyon Cinema Festival, named ? Festival Lumières ?so, the only one where there’s no competition but all biggest stars of the world ( Coppola, Burton, Eastwood, and hundreds of others ).
You have a lot of festivals all year long. Somes are the bests, in their topics, of all the world. Somes are, too, just uniques.
Festival of Lights. Quais du Polar. Nuits Sonores. Nuits de Fourvière. Medieval festival of St John. Felyn. Biennal Hors Normes. Biennial of dance. Biennial of contemporary arts. And many others.
This is, after Paris, first city for studies in France. Same about foreign investment .
Before Paris for industrial production. 6th richest city of Europe , best in the world where to live in 2017 ( Times magazine ). Always in top 50 of best cities of the world about quality of life, and so about happiness level of its habitants, since many years.
This is the city of painted walls ( more than 250 ). I mean street arts, so. It has its own festival too !
It’s favorite city since 2016 where to live and study by European students.
It’s capitale of French Resistance during WW2.
Numerous museums : Resistance, Gastronomy , Silk & Fabrics & Decorative Arts , Marine and Sea , Contemporary Arts, Natural History , Arts , Dance , Miniature & Cinema , Street Arts, of Puppet, Planetarium , Mecanography, and many others...
Biggest mall of Europe ( Part-Dieu ). Best middle town of France for shopping ( peninsula ).UNESCO heritage. Biggest urban green park in Europe. Oldest Greenhouse in Europe. 2nd Biggest French urban zoo.
About gastronomy ( the art of very well cooking and living ), Lyon have 3 world awards :
- Most numerous restaurants by habitants ;
- most numerous starred chiefs;
- most numerous stars.
That’s partially why it’s World Capital of Gastronomy since 1935. We can add Lyon has “The City of Gastronomy”, many food halles and markets, and is the middle of the “Valley of Gastronomy” of France.
The love story of Lyon with the gastronomy is related in books since Middle Age ! And it’s the place where Paul Bocuse, named “Chief of the Century” borned , cooked, worked, created the most famous cook prize ”The Golden Bocuse”, and established his famous school : Bocuse Institute !
It’s very often a sunny place ( more than 270 days by year ).
Our sports team, masculines as feminines , are often, sometimes always, to the top of France , Europe or of the world in their sport : soccer , handball , rugby , basketball , martial arts ( MMA, Kali Escrima, Judo... ), joutes, and many others...
It’s most important place of France in scientific research and studies, particularly in computing ,mechanics, electronic, , medicine and chemistry .So it’s very technological place. For example, we have the first autonomous drivers ( robots , yes ) of Europe to park your car in our International Airport, Lyon - Saint Exupéry !
And all the city, even metro , are under cover of 4G; we’ll have 5G in January 2021.
I forgot to say it’s the oldest capital of France, during centuries ( it was under the Roman Empire ), so it’s capital of Gaules. For example, you have many antique Roman theatres , and it’s the oldest Catholic main city of France.
You can, just in walking in Lyon, travel across the time , from Antique Ages to now, in passing by Middle-age , Renaissance, Industrial Revolutions... To finish in futuristic places ! So crazy : more than 2000 years in 3 hours by feet only !!!!
We’re very close to Beaujolais ( we call this wine the 3rd river of Lyon), skiing stations ( less than 45 minutes to firsts, max to 2 hours from biggest skiable domain of the world ). The Mediterranean Sea is less than 3 hours by car from Lyon.
- We’re less than 2 hours from Burgundy and Franche-Comté , France , and Switzerland and Italy ( train , car );
- 2 hours from Paris, France ( train ), 1 hour from Bordeaux and Champagne Marseille and Nice, France by plane;
- 2 hours from Barcelona, Spain , Firenze and Venezia and Roma , Italy ( plane );
- 1h30 to 2h to Germany , England , Ireland , Portugal , Morocco , Algeria , Tunisia , Napoli and Sicilia, Italy , Austria , Belgium , Netherlands , Hungary , Madrid as Malaga, Spain ( plane )..
- So very close from many touristic places where to go for the weekend when you live here !
It’s European Union ‘s capital of roses and silk . The oldest Veterinary University in the world too. It’s ones of the rare big cities of the world to have two rivers ( Sa?ne and Rh?ne ) and a peninsula to enjoy long walks and sailing with : it’s very romantic !
That’s why I let you discover by yourself... Ideally, in visiting us !
They are many other treasures into Lyon ( me, your servant, for example. Not enough good for you ? Okay : Croix-Rousse, in the middle of the town, is the second largest LGBT district of France , and the LGBT community here is very active : it’s cool ? ).
By the way, it’s the city of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry , the author of “The Little Prince”, the biggest “best-seller” book of the world after Bible and Quran !
This city is very nice , comfortable and living; it’s animated but peaceful; young and free but cool and calm too. That’s why Lyon receives more than 15 000 new habitants every year.
You will love it !