Welcome to the Jungle Gym
Lynn Melling
video storyteller & strategist @ 515 Productions, a creative video production collective
This month marks four years since I took the leap into a new career. It was stressful and scary... still is. However, the rewards have been well worth the risks. Foremost among of them: I've learned that I'm agile, adaptable and resilient, which makes life a lot less scary, in general.
If you find yourself in a career transition right now, whether or not by your own choosing, I'd like to personally welcome you to the club of mid-career jumpers. We're a lively and hearty bunch. Instead of a ladder, we view our career paths as a jungle gym (h/t Sheryl Sandberg). We're also here to help you make a connection, because someone once did that for us, and we feel a strong obligation to help pay it forward. This is a network that understands better than most that we're all in this together.
As you embark on this journey, here are 5 tips based on my experiences over the past four years:
Don't try to "fake it 'til you make it". It might seem like everyone else has everything figured out. Guess what? They don't. I promise. The folks who aren't afraid to ask questions are going to succeed faster than those who don't speak up.
Remember: your experience is valuable. Don't lose sight of your past accomplishments and the fresh perspective they can offer a new team. We live in a world where innovation and new ideas are mandatory in order to compete. Where do new ideas come from? From new people.
Be hungry to learn. Learning is growing. Get curious. Dig deep. Don't be afraid to fail, because that's often the best way to learn new things. Growing pains hurt at first, but they make you even more equipped to succeed in the long run.
Ignore the age factor. If you're making a mid-career change, chances are you'll find yourself surrounded by colleagues who are younger than you. If that bothers you, you need to get over it. Be humble and embrace it. I've discovered that my younger counterparts are a wealth of knowledge that help keep me in the game and on top of trends. It's truly a gift, and I feel lucky to be on their team.
Go easy on yourself. This is easy to say, but really hard to do. I struggle with this one all the time, but it is SO important. If you're constantly beating yourself up, you're wasting precious time and energy that is necessary to move your career in a positive direction and achieve success.
If you're in mid-career transition, I strongly encourage you to reach out to others who've been in your shoes. Don't be shy. We don't judge, and we are genuinely happy to help you. Welcome to the jungle gym.