Welcome to Jo Love’s Creations
Marya Jo Jolicoeur
New Owner-Author-Artist of Jo Love's Creations at Jo Love's Creations
I am creating a video of butterflies with an open-minded perception of what they mean spiritually, tapping on the side of the ??“Love Condition”??, from as many different sides of the earth as I can study and take note of.??
??If you are an amateur photographer and have taken pictures of butterflies, this is your chance to be in a video that will be on YouTube and many other Social Medias for people to enjoy. ?? I am looking for single pictures of butterflies of every color and mosaic combination.
I am wanting to make this video available as a new year’s gift to introduce the valentine gift set, starting with the: ?? “Love is…. Single Butterfly Bookmarks” ??that are already on the shelves.
You can be one of the earth angels that are helping to bring the DO.U.NO.ME. crisis website online.
(There will be a journal with pen and key chain, bookmark, card & print in each gift set & will have a retail value of $28.95??+SH & H. Estimated date of debut is 01/01/2021)
This is how you enter:
??One picture allowed per entry.
??Enter as often as you want, a different picture each time.
??Make sure you say in the description if you want to be anonymous and what the name your picture is.
??DO NOT DUPLICATE PLEASE!!!...Duplicates will be removed even if they have likes on them already.
??To submit your pictures, you must “Like” and “Follow” through this link: https://www.facebook.com/jolovescreations then go to the butterfly post at the top of the page. In the comments box, leave your photo entry of your butterfly. This is where you will be able to post your entry in this contest and/or ??“Justbee da Judge”??by liking any of the pictures you see in the community that were submitted. Contest ends on midnight of Christmas Eve-24/12/2020
??You are confirming that the photo you are presenting to this contest is a picture that you, yourself took. The names of the three winning entries will be printed in an article of their standings and will be in the video beside their picture, unless you wish to be kept anonymous.; then the word anonymous will be in it’s place. Estimated publish date: 01/01/2021??
Each photographer for the top three entries with the most likes; will receive an original prototype of the “First journal made from the series of their choice, which will include a matching bookmark, card & print of the 14 options available for the?? “Love is…Series” ??and a “60% off gift certificate” to be used in the Etsy store. There is no such thing as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, you all will be 1st place winners. ??
The top three winners will be promoted as the photographers of their photos in the video; plus receive prizes for their achievements and submissions to Jo Love’s Creations Gallery of Artistry. Whereby through your gifting of your photo, you are acknowledging that you, by entering this contest, you are confirming the rights for Jo Love’s Creations to use your picture in the video, which gives permission to Jo Love’s Creations the right to publish or reproduce or digitize their original photos in any way that Jo Love’s creation sees fit. Example of this: cards, journals, prints, t-shirts, cups…. ?? All other photos that are used will have only the photographer’s initials unless they prefer to be anonymous as well; in addition, to also be used in anyway the company sees fit for the purpose of raising funds to upgrade and keep the” Dounome Crisis Website” alive. ?? Click the picture below to see the Free version waiting for an upgrade as we need more storage space.
If the photos are not used in this video, they will be deleted from inventory at the end of the creation of the Single Butterfly video with no liens applied.
I want to thank you in advance for your support and help to make this possible. I am looking forward to seeing your photos... ??Good Luck everyone?? May the most liked win…??