Welcome to the January Edition of our Women in FIRE Monthly Newsletter
ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE
The global Asset Recovery community for all those involved in Fraud. Insolvency. Recovery. Enforcement.
Happy New Year to you all, and welcome to the January Newsletter for Women in FIRE.
Following the success of our Women in FIRE events last year, we are honoured to welcome you back for more content and events for 2024.
This year we wish to forge partnerships and collaborations with firms in the Asset Recovery realm and to provide opportunities for members to showcase their expertise for women in the industry.?
We are always open to hearing any ideas you may have for content, or events, and we look forward to having more of you involved.?
We are pleased to present to you our first Women in FIRE Supplement in our FIRE Magazine Issue 15 - A Year in Review edition. The supplement features a series of 60 seconds with interviews alongside further insightful content, all curated by just some of our incredible Women in FIRE. The magazine is available to read here.
Firstly, our Women in FIRE Afterparty Drinks Reception at our FIRE Starters Global Summit: Dublin will be taking place on the Thursday 22nd February 2024.?
Join us in Vilamoura on the 15th May 2024 for our Women in FIRE Dinner at our annual FIRE International: Vilamoura event.
You can find our Women in FIRE website here with all the latest content.?
If you would like more information about any of these news items or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the TL4 team.
We hope to see you all at our upcoming in-person events!
Best wishes,
Danushka, Maddi and Yelda
Latest News
?Join us at our Women in FIRE After-Party Drinks Reception on the Thursday 22nd February after the conference dinner.??
We hope to see you in Dublin!
Upcoming Events
22?February 2024 | Dublin, Ireland?
15?May 2024 | Vilamoura, Portugal?
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