Welcome To IJRTS : UGC Approved Journal
International Journal For Research In Technological Studies is an open access, online international journal published monthly. IJRTS is an e-journal that covers popular research topics from branches of engineering and technology.
#IJRTS provides paper publication at very affordable cost. We provide fast response to queries of authors and visitors, because every author and visitor is important for us. Manuscripts submitted to this journal will be considered for publication with the understanding that the same work has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. IJRTS is highly indexed journal. So, articles published in IJRTS are highly traceable and available from different sources.
IJRTS Details:
- ISSN [ONLINE] : 2348-1439
- UGC approved Journal
- Publication Categories : Engineering & Technology
- Frequency : Monthly Published, 12 Issues Per Year
- Impact Factor : 4.298
- website : www.ijrts.com