Welcome To Humanity
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Guiding Visionary Leaders Through Transition to the Freedom of Transformation and Developing Their Legacy. Challenging paradigms, discovering innovative solutions, and honoring value-driven leadership on all levels.
This week was one of those weeks where I felt as if I was looking in a mirror and seeing myself everywhere I turned. Have you ever had those weeks? Those days? When you are ready, the lessons appear.???
I have been working with my mentor in a particular legacy program she has developed, supporting people in upleveling their lives, their beings, and their business. It has caused me to reevaluate so much about myself. Am I doing exactly what I want to do at this moment in my life? Am I doing what I feel called to do in my life? Is there something I need to change to be more in alignment with all of that?
Not surprisingly, I call my clients to do the same thing.
To take time each day to reflect on their personal goals and life purpose for the day and then periodically take a more focused and extended period of time to see if, in the bigger picture, they are where they are meant to be and really alive rather than surviving. Living consciously like this supports you in really being present each day to the gift of life, to your choices, and to your spiritual journey. We are all human and can easily get caught up by the latest shiny object, program, or whatever, and later realize we got off track. Simply deep breathe, and come on back…
I noticed how frequently I can feel inadequate or spend a moment in “I wish I could.” I’ve seen where and when I think “They can but I can’t…” Those limiting beliefs are amazing. I would say to you that 95% of the time I am fully alive and excited about the new opportunities to explore, new things to reach to, new levels of knowing to achieve, and so much more. I love my life and literally nightly thank God for the blessings of my life, my amazingly varied family members, my exquisite and funny friends who I love so completely and who love me, my beautiful home, my clients, and so much more.? Still there is welcome to humanity! Our vulnerabilities go with us everywhere we go.?
Looking in the mirror you get to see the exquisiteness of how far you have come, the growth you have achieved, the risks you have taken, and all the wins beneath your wings that have lifted you further and further along in this adventurous journey you are walking. You also get to see the not-yet-completed parts of you.
Too many can be hard on themselves, very hard on themselves, simply because they are “not done.”? Until the day we pass there will always be room for growth. So again, breathe, take a 30,000-foot view and realize how far you have grown from 5–10 or 20 years ago. Be grateful for whatever awareness you now have about potential areas for growth and realize what a gift it is that we are discussing Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and the joy of becoming more and more of who you are meant to be.?
This is meant to be a fun trip. Scripture tells us to be like the children, with total faith, humor, the ability to play, and a pure innocence and love of life. Why not? With all the wisdom we have had time to acquire and the wild experiences we have had, go for it.
If you know anyone in the stage of transition who is ready to jump in fully with a well-seasoned coach who can support them and come out the other side with a newfound sense of self, and a love of the journey, have them give me a call.? I’m ready, in all my completion as well as my humanity!
For those who may want to work with me and get more unique and personal support there are three ways: