

Methane Matters is the quarterly newsletter of the Global Methane Initiative (GMI). The newsletter provides updates to the GMI Partner Countries, Strategic Partners, and Project Network members, filled with inspiring news about the innovative ways that the GMI network is making a global impact on reducing methane. Please contact us if you have suggestions or ideas for us to highlight in future newsletters.


NEW! Republic of North Macedonia and Madagascar Join GMI

Please welcome GMI’s newest Partner Countries, the Republic of North Macedonia and Madagascar.? The Secretariat was pleased to meet with each of them recently to discuss their priorities. Both Partners plan to participate on the GMI Biogas Subcommittee. GMI now has 49 Partner Countries!

Tools and Resources


GMI Biogas Subcommittee Completes Workshop Series?

The GMI Biogas Subcommittee wrapped up a four-part virtual workshop series on waste, Mobilizing Methane Action at Open Dumpsites and Landfills. The series, developed in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada (a GMI Partner Country), the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), focused on policies, technologies, and tools and resources that reduce methane emissions from municipal solid waste. Recordings of each webinar are available online.


NEW! Jalisco Report on Landfill Gas Potential?

The Clean Air Task Force and the U.S. EPA partnered with the Jalisco Ministry of Environment and Land Development (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Territorial) in the state of Jalisco, Mexico to identify project mitigation opportunities across the state. The resulting Jalisco Landfill Gas and Emissions Modeling Report, which can be found on the WasteMAP Resources Page, summarizes?the potential emissions reductions and the opportunity to capture and use landfill gas from solid waste disposal at three landfills.?

NEW! SWEET Now Available in French

One of GMI’s most widely used tools, the Solid Waste Emissions Estimation Tool (SWEET), is now available in French! The free Excel-based tool quantifies emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants from the municipal solid waste sector. This information can be used for multiple purposes, including establishing a baseline scenario, comparing the baseline to as many as four alternative scenarios, analyzing specific projects for potential emissions reductions, estimating the contribution of activities in the waste sector to overall city emissions reduction goals, and tracking that progress over time. SWEET is also available in Spanish, Serbian, and English. If you would like to see SWEET translated into your native language, please contact the GMI Secretariat.

Oil & Gas:

NEW! Oil & Gas Subcommittee to Meet in September 2024

The GMI Oil & Gas Subcommittee meeting, to be held virtually in September 2024, will highlight efforts and accomplishments by member countries; discuss feedback, lessons learned, and key takeaways from the Global Methane Forum; facilitate a discussion on priority topics for a potential webinar series; and initiate dialogue on how to identify and advance the most effective and efficient, near-term strategies for methane mitigation under the Oil & Gas Sprint Action Plan. Click here for more information and to register for the virtual meeting.

Coal Mines:

UPDATED! International Coal Mine Methane Projects List

GMI’s International Coal Mine Methane Projects List has been updated and posted to GMI’s website. The list, one of GMI’s most popular resources in the coal sector, provides comprehensive information on approximately 500 coal mine methane recovery and utilization projects at coal mines worldwide, including projects that are operating, in development, or planned.?Learn more about these innovative mitigation efforts in the coal sector.? ?

Funding Opportunity:

CCAC Funding Opportunity!

As a service to our Partners and other interested parties, GMI is sharing information about a funding opportunity from the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC). Please note that GMI is not affiliated with the review and selection process for this program. CCAC has issued a call for proposals from non-governmental organizations (NGO), intergovernmental organizations (IGO), or other not-for-profit entities to support CCAC partner countries, targeting the following sectors or support for methane mitigation: agriculture, national policy and planning, and waste. For-profit entities may only participate in the project as stakeholders, co-funders, or end users. Applicants are encouraged to include for-profit entities in the development of the project proposal and/or during project implementation if their ownership of the proposed solution is key to the project’s success. Proposals are due by 30 August 2024. Learn more and apply here.

GMI On the Road

Pictured: GMI Team members, Jake Dunton (far left) and Nicholas Elger (second from the left), with members of the Brazil Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment and Climate Change.

GMI Collaborates with Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment and Climate Change

A delegation from the GMI Biogas Subcommittee, including representatives from U.S. EPA and GMI’s Project Network, traveled to Brazil in June to discuss priorities on municipal solid waste and agricultural methane mitigation and opportunities. Brazil is implementing many great initiatives, such as including methane abatement in proposed municipal solid waste plans for the State of Rio de Janeiro and engaging with the CCAC to develop an urban and agriculture waste methane mitigation strategy and a strategy to reduce methane emissions intensity from the livestock sector. Brazil will implement this work by leveraging several of GMI’s tools, including the Solid Waste Emissions Estimation Tool (SWEET) and the Risk Analysis Checklist for Biogas Projects. Brazil is seeking future opportunities to collaborate with GMI to achieve their methane abatement goals and their commitments under the Global Methane Pledge.

Featured Upcoming Events

12th International Mine Ventilation Congress 2024, 12-15 August 2024, Sydney, Australia

International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) 2024 Waste to Wealth: Solutions for a Sustainable Future, 15-18 September 2024, Cape Town, South Africa?(numerous GMI-affiliated presentations to be featured)

GMI Oil & Gas Subcommittee Meeting, 17 September 2024, Virtual

17th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 20-24 October 2024, Calgary, Canada

See more events

About this Newsletter

The Methane Matters: GMI quarterly newsletter is produced by U.S. EPA in support of GMI.?If you would like to provide newsletter feedback, contribute to the newsletter, or get in touch, please?contact us.


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