Welcome to the Games Factory Talents newsletter
Games Factory Talents | Connecting Passion & Talent
We connect talented Games industry professionals with leading studios from Europe.
Welcome to the Games Factory Talents newsletter.
This month we are covering the wrap up of our Games Job Fair Autumn 2022, showcase the winners of our Unreal Engine and Art Challenges, and share some details on our Discord session 'Spruce Up Your CV With GFT' coming up next week. Be sure to join our server for it if you want our recruitment team's expert advice!
Games Job Fair
We have for you our wrap up article on the event, where you can read all about our latest agenda of great talks, both on career and job search, but also tech talks on the nitty gritty of game making. Our onsite day was a great experience as well, serving as a lovely in-person reunion with part of our beloved community. We look forward to get planning on the next event for April '23.
Unreal Engine and Art Challenge Winners
Our Art Challenges, kindly sponsored by InnoGames , Redhill Games , and Space Ape Games , highlighted amazing talent through a delightful variety of themes. We are always in awe of all the great entries.
New this time around was the Unreal Engine 'Shmup' Challenge, where participants created a simple shoot'em up style game in 2 weeks based on a brief by Unreal Evangelist Ari Arnbj?rnsson . The code was shared on GitHub , and the game was posted on Itch.io . Sponsoring were Redhill Games , Makea Games , Slipgate Ironworks , and Neon Koi, a PlayStation Studio . Ari and our sponsoring studio judges, Mikko Uromo , Ville Valtiala , and Christian Kendall held an insightful Code Review session, which you can watch on our YouTube channel, and right here ??.
Spruce Up Your CV With GFT
Looking forward to some content in-between our events? We are working hard to deliver some valuable sessions on our Discord server, starting with a CV review hour with our team of recruitment experts. Just join the server, find the category named after the event, read the instructions and share your CV. We will try to get through as many as possible during the session.
Keep an eye out for more goodies, including more casual hangout sessions on our Discord. Thank you for reading our first monthly newsletter on LinkedIn. See you before Christmas!