Welcome from The Doll Examiner

Welcome from The Doll Examiner

This is the launch of a new online newspaper, The Doll Examiner! Come one, come all! One goal will be to write positive pieces to prevent violence in schools. Well-being will be another focus. Positivity, another one. And on and on. Welcome!

Visit us at: https://dollexaminer.com/

If you are interested in writing for the Doll Examiner, send us a Pitch.

The Doll Examiner has been set up to hear from many different perspectives and keep an open dialogue going on. It is important to hear and think about many sides to every issue so that we know how we think and how others think. Dialogue is then the space wherein we talk with each other, and listen, and grow.

The dictionary, Merriam Webster, defines a dialogue in part as being a

  • a conversation between two or more persons, and also
  • a discussion between representatives of parties to a conflict that is aimed at resolution.

With that in mind, dialogue is sometimes about topics where people are in disagreement, but that should not be a barrier. Healthy people create dialogue in the midst of a difference in perspectives so that they and others can grow. I believe that personal growth is at the heart of dialogue because if were are growing, we are listening to others. We also are learning ways to express opinions that are different than our own, but in ways the keep people engaged in… dialogue together.

Why do we need more dialogue?

You might be asking whether or not there is not already enough talk all over the digital spectrum of online news-media and social media. Isn’t there enough discussion?

I would say that generally the answer is no because what we see in the media – like it or not – is often polarized in certain ways. In other words, certain news-media organizations always print articles that defame or decry against certain issues, people, or groups, but not others. And then again certain other news-media organizations defame and decry different issues, people , or groups, but not ones of their peer news-media organizations. At times there is overlap and common concern or angst about a overtly negative issue, but seldom is there a dialogue about opposing sides – where both are given an equal footing.


One axiom to guide this new dialogue is the following: “As voices rise from the masses, the message must remain clear.” In other words, when more and more dialogues are collected in one online location, it will take some work to bring a coherent messages from them, but it will help to have each perspective included and better understood in the process.

Think of it this way: the British news-media organization, BBC, often is very successful and hosting dialogues especially in the political realm where they discuss strengths and limitations of opposing candidates. I think such a thing is an excellent resource to the general public because the new-media, in this case, is not becoming biased towards one side or the other.

In The Doll Examiner, you will find just such an effort towards dialogue as I am describing in the previous example. I want there to be articles which consider both sides of issues and extend the understanding for everyone. It is hoped that this dialogue will also draw people in to critically think about new topics and issues in a place where they can discuss these ideas, think reasonably about them, and where possible to hear both sides.

Editors Note: The Doll Examiner will always abide by all applicable laws concerning online media and be respectful in dialogue, giving clarity to issues but always operating within a context of being caring, teachable, and willing to listen and grow.

Dr. Jonathan Doll is a former Huffington Post blogger on topics including school violence prevention, student well-being, and wellness. Dr. Doll wrote the book, Ending School Shootings, School and District Tools for Prevention and Action (2015). He also wrote a chapter in the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series, Best Mom Ever, based on his own Mom. He has worked at the school, district, regional, state, and international levels in both K-12 education and higher education. His passion is to see teachers be successful in their work and then have student success grow and grow.


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