Welcome to Day 2 of Awakening to Humanity's Sacred Mission
Charles Betterton, MSCED
StewardHeir of A Strategic Marketecture of Several Nonprofit Organizations and Affiliated Cause-oriented Enterprises for Personal, Organizational, Community, and Planetary Development, Empowerment, and Enlightenment
Welcome to Day 2 of Awakening to Humanity's Sacred Mission with Sessions 3 and 4. https://unity.earth/symposium-2024/
To me the Awakening To Humanity's Sacred Mission, (or Shared Commission as some of us see that) is the Super Bowl for Awakening to Our True Identities, Realizing Our Inherent Individual and Collective Potential, and Knowing How To Fulfill Our Ultimate Destiny (whatever that means to each one.)
Imagine if humanity came together and used the available tools & resources to organize a worldwide movement for peace.
Imagine if people from all walks of life assembled to coordinate and plan what we could do together to successfully navigate these times of great transition and global crises.
Imagine if many of the world’s leading thinkers & activists could be organized into one FREE global online event, open to all with the intention of Awakening to Humanity’s Sacred Mission.
Imagine if global impact networks came together and took decisive action as one coordinated and coherent whole.
Friends, not only is this all happening but it is happening this week! https://unity.earth/symposium-2024/
Awakening to Humanity’s Sacred Mission: An International Symposium & Call-To-Action is inspired by the call of Ervin Laszlo, sponsored by Purpose Earth, produced by UNITY EARTH in deep partnership with the Source of Synergy Foundation, Laszlo Institute, the Holomovement, Hubcast Media, One World, Unify, Light on Light, SINE Network, Connection Field, Good of the Whole, My Green Pod and other global organizations.
The first three days of the event February 9-11 not only involve luminary and inspiring Visionary Voices but also include equal time in Community Engagement and there is a Harvest Day on February 18th.
It is FREE and OPEN to all though you do need to register here https://unity.earth/event-registration/
You will then receive the Zoom registration to get the unique Zoom ID of the Symposium. Please share this information as widely as possible if you agree that NOW more than ever before, we need to come together and mobilize, organize and Awaken to Humanity's Sacred Mission! Thank you!
As participants in the Living Earth Movement for International Cooperation, Peace and Climate Solutions established by John B. Cobb, Jr. considered the main question asked during the Symposium of "What can we do?" we developed an initial list of possible positive action steps we can contribute. Dr. Cobb, 99 and author of over 50 books including the 5oth anniversary edition of IS IT TOO LATE? A Theology of Ecology will share his insights during Session 6 on Sunday.