Welcome to Comfiville – city of happiness

Disclaimer: Not claiming a Bow Smith, “this na petition”. I refuse to go to the red zone of "The Box" you are forcing me into. Before that one too, I become a stranger on a train.

A town built on an economic model based on happiness. Whiles it takes years to build a city, it starts with planning, then continuous refinement and joint efforts by leadership, its indigenes and the wider community. Infrastructure development, access to amenities, and lawfulness and order are strongly implemented to complement its economic efforts.

Inhabitants were not left in a confused state or divide as to which directives apply. If it is the traditional system incorporated with international best practice but not the two (2) running in parallel in a manner that is not agreed or known to all.

Strict caps are on benefits systems such as (health, education, unemployment, housing, child care) in a way that abuse of these systems is not attractive. Vast majority of land, housing and letting are state owned, inhabitants do not have to focus energies into building these. The inner town, ultra-modern, with high rising buildings, luxury apartments, and all the smart technology. The outskirts of Comfiville are greener, less densely populated, and quieter, for those who want to run away from all the noise and bustle.

The pension scheme initially resisted, is the praise of pensioners, the business community and the state. Apart from the calculated monthly intake, pensioners enjoy a wider range of benefits on access and spending at designated eatery, beauty/fitness/leisure, transport, fuel, groceries, clothing, travel and tour, etc. per individuals allowed limit and frequency per month. For occupations that go on early retirement such as military, arrangements are made for them.

Poverty is reduced to its bare minimal, and with the various support structures, inhabitants would not be left in the hands of those who take advantage of the "vulnerable". With efforts made on the technological space and subsidy on ownership of personal computers/phones and licenses for software, E-crime has been reduced to its bare minimal, leaving cyber-security to deal with bad internal staff, and a few advanced users.

These businesses (small or large) had a fair share of clients. Comfiville has very high walls not to prevent people from entering but to protect the economic model from uncontrolled factors such as migration, population and its effect on distribution of resources. The preferred option than having chips on inhabitants, and extra sensors on buildings and equipment. That way those who purposely try to break the economic model have little chance, leaving leaders to focus their attention on improvements or fixing/restructuring in case of natural disasters. If neighbouring cities had a similar working model, their inhabitants would not have to attempt to jump the wall, minimizing diplomatic slavery, unemployment, migration, unprofitable businesses, etc., and Comfiville would not have had to spend on building a wall.

First option for business investment was always in Comfiville (except for business that do not thrive in Comfiville), although subsidiary branches could be established in other locations. For incoming investments from overseas business investors, they should have invested in their home state and the investment a global extension/expansion of the company. Businesses had a calculated basic monthly earning to add up to profits made from sale/delivery of goods and services. This way Mansa the widow would not have to choke her kitchen sink with cereal for Obod plumbing services to come for a double fix. Crime is at a bare minimal although some amount of disturbances is scripted to keep law enforcement alert and active.

Based on a combination of age and experience, employees had slightly a higher remuneration for the same position/specialization. The older ones were considered mostly for national leadership roles with a few younger ones involved. Although you do not expect an aged person who has not being economically productive to benefit fully from such a scheme. Thus, hedging others progress was minimized as the older ones if economically active are mostly financially included than their younger counterparts, and had no fear to lose their respect for those who base that on financial independence. People had every reason to change profession but would have to go through training and/or certification, so that people would not be jumping from job to job. It made sense since a member of the economic committee, an engineer by profession, has trained and is certified in marketing, economics, and data analytics. Exceptions were allowed for a short period of years on emergency, humanitarian grounds, families of family owned businesses, and people who exhibit great dexterity or passion. For those not in full time roles such as security, administration, driving, etc, especially in the gig economy, had option to practice in addition to full time role as long as it did not interfere with the job.

No one is prevented from holding personal events but restrictions were in place on receiving money and expensive gifts to prevent money laundering. If attempts to use the offertory box of sacred institutions for money laundering has been made, then there is every reason to watch the donations and charity fund space. And do not get it twisted, Comfiville is a fun loving place.

Kindly day dream with me…


