Welcome to Be a Boss?
If you’re reading this message, thank you for Your interest in Be A Boss. Whether you own a business, you’re trying to start a business or you’re interested in doing business, you have come to the right place.
If you’re a Caller (service requestor), Be a Boss? is like an at-your-fingertips Yellow Pages for immediate access to services in your community…only you should never have to wait for services. Bosses don’t wait.
If you’re a Provider, Be a Boss? is like a funnel, channeling business your way—connecting you with the people in your community who might not otherwise find their way to your phone number, website or store front. Bosses don’t hustle to find work.
Be a Boss? is still getting off the ground, so it may take some time to build momentum in your community. But, be patient…as our convenient multi-services application catches on, you stand to gain more access to more and more services (and the people looking for those services).
And you can help.
Be a Boss? works best as the community grows. So invite your friends, your family members, co-workers, neighbors—the more Callers and Providers in your community, the better everyone’s experience will be.
Plus, you can request to build a community and learn how you can be a Be a Boss? Community Manager, making money as Callers and Providers become a part of your Be a Boss? community.
Remember, we don’t succeed unless you succeed.
YOU can Be a Boss?. As a Provider, you don’t need a degree or a certification* (though they are a plus). We’re not focused on your past, we’re focused on your future. No matter what you do, we just want to help you do it successfully—helping you make the money you know you deserve by connecting you with the Callers who want to support your services, right now.
Be a Boss? puts the entrepreneurial spirit and environment in your hands and at your fingertips.
So get started today. Create your own community. Give yourself access to the products and services
you’re looking for…when you’re looking for them. Be a Boss?!
P.S. Notice a bug? Run into a problem with the app? Take a screenshot and/or send us a detailed message at [email protected]
*Some Countries, States or Local governments may require degrees or certifications for a listed Provider type on the app. Please check your local laws to ensure your compliance.
Credit Card Security
Be A Boss takes credit card data security very seriously. For that reason, we use Braintree to securely handle credit card information. Braintree is a Validated Level 1 PCI DSS Compliant Service Provider.
Learn more about Braintree security practices.
Disclaimer: Be A Boss? is a platform that connects Providers with Callers and not an Employer of the Providers or Callers listed in the app.
Who Are We?
Be A Boss? connects people to people by granting immediate access to a variety of services needed or desired through its network of available Providers. Callers enjoy the ability to command executive style services, while the online pool of Providers, who command control of their own time, demonstrate that The Willing Are Many.
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