Welcome to "The Better Together Approach" Newsletter
Lamar Morgan
* Community Architect * Digital Storyteller * "Pay Per Call" Affiliate Marketer * Tribe Builder of Virtual Assistants * Content Creator/Distributor * Think T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) *
Business networking is the process of establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with other business people and potential clients and/or customers. The primary purpose of business networking is to tell others about your business and hopefully turn them into customers. But, more often than not, that process does not work very well....UNLESS you provide REAL VALUE for those around you that goes beyond what you do for a living.
There needs to be more to a business networking event than food, elevator speeches and the exchange of business cards. There needs to be the exchange of REAL VALUE beyond what one does for a living. Oftentimes, that exchange of value leads to meaningful business collaboration between caring people, willing places and useful things - including intelligent software.
Here are some meaningful collaborations that address real-life problems:
1) Bank Debit Card Fraud Prevention
Question: How can you prevent someone from steeling your bank debit card when you are in the habit of using that debit card to purchase products and services online?
Answer: You find an online service that freely masks your actual bank debit card number with a very different number that only works when you, the actual owner of the real bank debit card, use it to make online purchases using your cell phone. I found such a service and you can freely subscribe to it using this link - https://safe-debit-cards.
What is interesting about this service is that not only are you able to prevent your real bank debit card number from being stolen, but you can place spending limits on spending categories. This tool actually helps you better budget your spending habits. There is both a free version and a premium version of this service. The difference in price is just $10/month. With the free version you receive a dozen virtual payment cards. With the premium version you receive 36 virtual payment cards plus a 1% cashback on all purchases and a $5 credit for all those who subscribe to the service through your subscription link.
2) Healthy Water Consumption
Question: How much water should you drink on a daily basis for the maximum health benefit?
Answer: The experts say if you are over the age of 25, it really does matter how much want you drink on a daily basis. The idea that you only need to drink water when you are thirsty is false. Believe it or not, you should actually drink half your body weight in ounces on a daily basis. That is not as easy to make a habit as you might think. I weigh approximately 170 lbs. That means I need to drink 85 ounces of water every day. That's two 32 oz. water bottles of water plus 21 ounces of water. I simply cannot do that all at one sitting. I have to have a plan to stretch out my drinking of 85 ounce of water every day.
Here is my plan - Since there are three 8-hour periods in every 24-hour day, setting a timer in my cell phone to go off every 4 hours alerts me as to when I need to drink 16 ounces (or 500 ml.) of water 4 times a day. For the 5th time, I need to drink 21 ounces of water. I am able to keep this regimen from one day to the next by purchasing a 32-oz. water bottle with the once and ml. markings on the outside of the container and filling it with filtered tap water maintained in a 5-gallon water bottle that has a teaspoon of Mother's Organic Vinegar in it.
What are the benefits of drinking water?
The human body contains around 60% water. Your body depends on water to function properly. In fact, you could not live for more than a few days without water. Below are a few of water’s many benefits. Water helps:???
3) Better Growth & Recordkeeping of LinkedIn Connections
When it comes to better growth & recordkeeping of LinkedIn connections, there are some things you need to understand. First, while LinkedIn sets a connection ceiling of 30,000 Level 1 connections, you can easily exceed that ceiling by simply downloading your LinkedIn CSV file monthly and moving your connections to a Google Sheet. Then, moving that updated Google Sheet to your choice of CRM. (I recommend the Bravo CRM(https://brevo.com) as it has a free version that allows you to send out as many as 300 emails in a single day.
While I do recommend folks have at least 500 Level 1 connections, my reason is to only prevent the public from knowing the exact amount of Level 1 connections you actually have. Traditionally, LinkedIn does not expose your exact number of Level 1 connections UNLESS that number is beneath 500 people.
Truth be told, Dr. Robin Dunbar, a noteworthy evolutionary psychologist and anthropologist figured out the limit of friends a person can have. He even wrote a book about his findings called "How Many Friends Can You Have?" According to his research, the basic number is 150 people. However, he does allow for a variance of between 150 and 250 people.
Dr. Dunbar bases has research on two basic tenants - 1) The size of the human brain and 2) The fact there are only 24 hours in any one day. His basic number of 150 people has stood the test of time for 30 years and has become known as "Dunbar's Number." You can actually Google it.
The basic premise of Wikinomics (fast economics) is to make productive use of collaborative consumption. That is, to set up a system whereby you help others and they help you. For example, maintaining an accurate Google Sheet of all your Level 1 LinkedIn Connections can be accomplished much easier with the help of members from your LinkedIn network than it can without their help. For that reason, I encourage you to share a simple Google Sheet with all your LinkedIn Connections. That includes not only your personal LinkedIn contact information, but contact information that is not usually available these days on LinkedIn - including your email address and phone number. In fact, I cordially invite you to use my Shareable Spreadsheet and add your contact information to it. I also invite you to share that sheet with me and the rest of your Level 1 Connections once you have updated it with your contact information.
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