Welcome (back) to WU Vienna!

Welcome (back) to WU Vienna!

As the summer comes to a close and we prepare for the new academic year, our team at Competence Center STaR would like to take the opportunity to welcome new and returning students, staff, and faculty.

The start of an academic year is always an exciting time, with new faces, relationships, and stimulating conversations to be had.

  • Are you a student interested in taking courses on sustainability-related topics or writing a Thesis with impact?
  • Click here to find out more!

  • Looking to get involved in sustainability initiatives on and off WU's campus?
  • For anyone and everyone: Click here to find which initiative is the right fit for you!?
  • For Bachelor's and Master's students: Check out of student organization contacts.


  • If you like to research and learn about sustainable development at your own pace, we have collected many useful resources for you!
  • Don't miss out on our brand-new SDG-video series!


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