Welcome back to school

Welcome back to school

Welcome back to school all Educators and may 2024 be your most exciting, inspiring and innovative year yet.

Last year, the team at Inspire Africa Group were incredibly busy and productive, including some notable highlights worth mentioning:?

?1.? The launch of our proprietary robot, the Inspire Bot , which is locally manufactured, compatible with the BBC micro:bit interface and supported with a full curriculum and lesson plans.? Through our local partner, we are able to ensure our schools can purchase premium robotic hardware at affordable prices, ensuring shorter lead times.?

Inspire Bot robot

2.? The introduction of our locally manufactured sensor, the iSense , which also uses the BBC micro:bit interface. With 50 sensors to choose from, the iSense introduces educators and students to another 4iR technology, namely, the Internet of Things (IoT) and can be used in core subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Life Science, Geography, Electronics and Robotics.?


3.? We now have over 500 lessons available to educators and students on our Learner Management System, the Inspire Campus and over 220 lessons on the DroneBlocks curriculum , along with a myriad of simulator environments on the DroneBlocks Simulator and Make Code . Currently we have curriculum, lesson plans and projects for grades 3 to 12 and in the coming months, we will be adding curriculum and lesson plans for grades R to 2.

The Inspire Campus Learner Management System.

4.? Over the last nine months, we have expanded into new African territories, with education partners in both Mozambique and Zimbabwe.? Having introduced our Inspire STEAM Education programmes to over 160 schools in all nine South African provinces, along with schools in Namibia and Botswana, Inspire Africa is planning to launch into a number of sub-Saharan markets this year.?

Students at Aeromap Mozambique.

5. As we continue our mission to upskill educators, empowering them with the skills, knowledge and expertise to introduce a variety of 4iR technologies and coding languages into the classroom, we will build on last year's regular Teacher Training courses and informative webinars with industry experts and educators.

If you missed last year’s AI in Education webinar , click on the video below. Concerning the relevance of AI in education, you can access free resources regarding the policies and implementation of Artificial Intelligence in schools on our website portal - Artificial Intelligence Resources .?

Inspire Africa Webinar Series.

As the new academic year gets underway, we are extremely excited and motivated by the prospects of what 2024 holds. I would like to take the opportunity to thank our many educators for the valuable feedback you provide us with regarding our programmes, courses, curriculum, technology hardware and teacher training.

This enables us to adapt our products and services to meet your specific educational needs and requirements.? As our Champions in implementing the programmes in schools, our mission is to provide you with the skills and tools to expose students to these cutting-edge technologies in a fun, engaging and relevant context.

Lastly, I would like to emphasize that we understand that the introduction of STEAM Education, and 4iR technology programmes into one’s school can often be a daunting prospect, particularly regarding where to start; how to effectively upskill one’s teaching staff; where to include this subject matter into the curriculum and how to fund the programmes.??

Since 2018, we have been providing schools with tailored solutions that align with their educational needs and budgetary constraints. Our team brings the expertise and experience necessary to assist you throughout this journey.

Please reach out to myself or my team if you have any questions or would like to arrange a meeting.? We look forward to hearing from you.

Creating the future today. (R)evolution.?


