Welcome Back
So, I took a lengthy hiatus from writing for quite a few reasons. Personal, mostly. But I'm back. So let's talk a little bit about the hot-button issue: Afghanistan! As you can see in the above picture from S2 Underground, there is a lot going on. US and allied forces are currently holding the perimeter of Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) but the Taliban are pressed in on all sides with checkpoints.
British, French, and Canadian special operations forces began rescuing their citizens and local allies early last week, causing consternation between the 22nd SAS and the on-the-ground commander from the 82nd Airborne. Since that instance, American special operations forces have now been retrieving Americans and our allies. The Taliban set a deadline of August 31 for complete withdrawal and anybody left essentially belongs to them. The current administration has caved to that demand.
So what does this mean for you? You're not in Afghanistan, your business interests aren't in Afghanistan. Maybe they're elsewhere. But what we've just witnessed is the end of our time as a superpower, our political leadership has essentially said "I quit!" and the instability that follows will be unparalleled in recent human history. A looming increase in terrorism, cyberwarfare is already at unprecedented highs, and China's war drums are beating louder. It's not just economic warfare for them now, they're heading towards the final stages of liminal warfare.
As a business owner, especially one with an international reach, you should have a team dedicated to situational awareness, corporate and even personal security training, and crisis response. Much of the latter can be outsourced. You may not have the bandwidth to manage it internally, and it's one of those instances where it may be best left to the experts who do nothing but this. This is not just something for the big transnational companies.
If you're interested in setting up the internal framework for these kinds of programs, let me know. I'm here to help.