Welcome to all our new followers on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
Firearms UK
Firearms UK is an Association campaigning for the protection of firearms ownership within the UK
Welcome to all our new followers on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
Also many thanks for the many offers of assistance, we will contact you as soon as we can.
It looks like we have a very busy period ahead of us. We will do our best to share information as we receive it. If followers come across anything they feel maybe useful please let us know either by posting on our social media pages or via email at [email protected]
As usual we encourage individuals to play their part in protecting our shared interests. We suggest the following course of action;
1. Spread the word. Share our pages. Encourage others to act.
2. Write to your MEP. This can be done via https://writetothem.com
3. Write to your MP. Again can be done via https://writetothem.com
4. If you are a member of a pro-shooting organisation TELL them that you want them to act.
5. Challenge every piece of negative media you come across. We have guides on our website of how to do this.