Welcome to the Abl Scheduling Academy

Welcome to the Abl Scheduling Academy

As a team of scheduling experts passionate about ensuring every student has the right class at the right time, Abl is excited to bring you free scheduling resources, tips, and tricks to support you every step of the way as you advise and schedule students this year. Let's get started.?

Introduction to 7 Step Scheduling

Each year, antiquated scheduling processes are putting countless students in classes that don’t match their academic potential, harming their post-secondary education and workforce opportunities. But we can change this. Read more

Masterclass: Analysis and Goal Setting

Thursday, September 26 | 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. EDT: Join Abl and Elk Grove Unified School District to learn how data analysis in the fall makes scheduling in the spring a breeze.?REGISTER NOW

“The master schedule is your community, school, teacher, and student culture. It is one of the most important things you can do as a site administrator to ensure success for your students. And it’s also the one thing that may not get enough attention. As a result most master schedules are teacher centric. We’ve changed that in Elk Grove and have built a community of practice where we have committed to building schedules that prioritize our students’ needs.”

Sue Hubbard Director of College and Career Connections | Elk Grove Unified School District

Step One Deep Dive: Analysis and Goal Setting

This fall, districts should review schedules across their schools and set goals to increase access to high impact courses. By tracking important factors like course intensity, postsecondary success, and course-taking patterns, districts can use data to improve how they support students. Leaders can then turn these insights into practical steps for continuous improvement.

This fall, districts should:

  • Track postsecondary enrollment and completion rates. Leverage the National Student Clearinghouse Student Tracker to understand your graduates' college direct enrollment, persistence, and completion rates.?
  • Review course intensity for core subjects. This article discusses how academic intensity isn't "one-size-fits-all" and should be personalized for every student to reflect their strengths.?
  • Set measurable goals based on data trends. Use this action plan template with your schools to record your data trends and strategies to improve access to intense coursework for all students.?
  • Understand how scheduling practices impact student opportunities. Read "About Time: Master Scheduling and Equity" from the Center for Public Research and Leadership and complete their self assessment on page 62 to evaluate your school's scheduling approach.
  • Reflect on scheduling practices to identify needed changes. Use this simple form to survey your scheduling and counseling staff about the state of scheduling in your schools. This critical reflection that will inform future steps of your scheduling process.

Coming up next month:

Step Two: Building a College and Career Mindset in Your Community


