Welcome, 2019! My message to the team!

Welcome, 2019! My message to the team!

Hello Ethika

Today is the last day of the year and at 4:45 am in morning, I am feeling very emotional. Getting this vibes of writing this message to all of you!

On Dec 2015, Sarath, Sandeep and me were in discussion about future. It was not a very pleasant feeling because it was about our survival as an organization. It was about the uncertainty in living our dreams. Over the years, I have realized that survival discussions are very scary because it has got an element of fear in it.

 We asked ourselves a few questions:

1. Can we do something that we have never done before to accomplish that we have never accomplished before?

2. The result we want to accomplish is a possibility and where we are standing today is the reality. There is a path to walk to make this possibility a reality. And to walk on this path, we need unwavering commitment. Do we really have this unwavering committed to walk this path? The answer was again yes.

 3. To walk this path, we need to be focused on the process without worrying about the outcomes. We could only use the result as a feedback system. Are we ready to give our complete energies to focus on the process without getting worried about the result?

Though, these sound very simple questions to answer, but from where these answers are coming, is very important. From logical understanding, it can be yes but we did not had money & confidence. We had lot to loose and very little possibility of winning. We had only two things in our support - very deep EMOTIONS and UNCONDITIONAL support from our family members.

However, in the last 24 months, things have transformed in a magical way. We are doing almost everything that we had never done before.

Here are few of the advantages we have over 2015 Dec circumstances..

1. Our brand is already proven and we have established as one of the most promising and innovative insurance broker. Clients and insurers are expecting us to do something remarkably big in our industry.

2. From a team of 3, we are now 30. Our collective emotions is much more than what we three of us initially had. This is not a team but an army.

3. We have some special spiritual beings associated with us, that means God himself wants us to continue walking this path.

4. We have good capital to support our New Initiatives.

5. We have two more new locations to multiply the results. Each location is being managed by proven leader.

6. We have our new product MySwish already launched. It has potential to disrupt the industry.

7. We have new partners getting associated with us. Partners like Ramp will gave us a new possibilities of expansion.

8. We have launched our POS system for retail. We will attract and partner  and support them to become big agents.

And today in Jan 2019 we again are going to have a similar meeting, but this time it is different...we have very little to loose and lot to gain. This time it is not about survival but about possibilities. This time we are lot more confident and we have resources. More fire is added into  our emotions and family support.

Remember our goal is not to become big in revenues, this will happen naturally.

Our goal is to attract more people like us and make them part of our army.

We need to support each other in enjoying our path rather than being pressurised with goal.

Our goal is to create an impact on our clients business and help them to take their business in next level.

In the year 2019, we are going to do things which we have never done before because we are looking at expansion like never before.

My promise is to everybody that we will keep enjoying the journey and lead a healthy and prosperous life. The promise I need from you is to continue having faith in me.

I want to thank everyone for this unconditional support and I really feel lucky and very responsible to have this.

In particular, I want to thank Shraddha, RK bhai, Sarath and Sandeep. They tolerated my sometimes-irrational behaviour and guided me at every step.

Welcome 2019.



PS - Please excuse me for my grammar mistakes.



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